

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1277
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201212041453453769 论文字数:40000 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ell as develop social skills. What’smore, it also can improve students’ academic progress in large scale. “This type ofpeer interaction increases opportunities for meaningful communication about academiccontent in low- anxiety contexts (Jacob, 1994)”
It’s not until the late 1980s that some Chinese educators began to carry out somestudies on cooperative learning. During 30 years, our scholars and experts put theirefforts to explore this field and combine with Chinese educational conditions, makeinnovations and demonstrate that it’s the effective and valuable teaching method.Cooperative learning has been studied for several decades, but it’s difficult forpeople to understand the concept of it. Because there are a variety of countriesincluding China make use of cooperative learning to reform domestic education, stillthere is no standard definition. So Slavin (1995) regarded the phenomenon as“cooperative revolution in education”.
In light of theory and practice of cooperative learning at home and abroad, it canbe divided into four types: interaction between teachers and students; interactionamong students; interaction among teachers; full interaction. Nowadays, mostcountries mainly study interaction among students, which be proved by the followingtypical definitions of cooperative learning.

Chapter Two:Protests through Female Sexuality…………………………….24-43
    Aphra Behn's Love Letters……………………………. 24-31
    Delariviere Manley's The Secret History ……………………………. 31-37
    Eliza Haywood's Early Novel—Love in Maze …………………………….37-43
Chapter Three:Accommodating to the Moral Taste……………………………. 43-58
    Penelope Aubin's The Life of Charlotta Du Pont …………………………….45-49
    Mary Davys' The Reformed Coquet …………………………….49-52
    Jane Barker's Love Intrigues …………………………….52-58


The current teaching situation in college in Chongqing Normal University is notso satisfying. Although teachers try to change the traditional teaching approaches, theystill play the role of an authority and attach importance to the teaching material insteadof students. Cooperative learning is recognized by them as a useful teaching strategy,but it is not frequently and effectively used in class.In the present research, most students are satisfied with the outcomes ofcooperative learning. However, they also encounter some problems in class. Theyshow an expectation on their teacher to deal with “free-rider” in group activitiesAs for EFL teachers, they also realize the advantages of cooperative learning andhave attempted to use it from time to time, but problems also confuse them when theyuse the new strategy.
According to the research, there are lots of factors which influence theeffectiveness of teachers’ involvement in cooperative learning. Teachers have wrongideas about 1) the essence of the cooperative learning; 2) the process of cooperativelearning;3) the evaluation of cooperative learning.However, so long as teachers realize these factors and receive the suggestionshow to deal with the problems, teachers’ involvement in cooperative learning can stillhave a significant impact on the academic achievement of students. Moreover, theresults indicate that cooperative learning also enhances students’ self-confidence andself-esteem and reduces students’ anxiety.
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