Reflections on Work Groups and Teams
This paper takes a reflective look at my key learning throughout the course and proposes action steps for me to implement the teaching into my daily life. In the first section, I summarized my three main learning from the semester: reflection and critical thinking, national cultural dimensions, and team effectiveness (Levi, 2016). Firstly, I explored the intertwined relationship between reflection and critical thinking. In addition, I examined my organizational culture at my workplace and practice of public reflection in the office. Then I compared Hofstede’s (2001) national dimensions between countries, especially the different conflict resolution approaches and the two cultures’ views on leadership personality traits. I further connected and compared my two group experiences through the lens of team assessment. I also drew support from my work team experiences to further examine the concept of team effectiveness. In conclusion, the paper provides action steps to help me apply my learning, both at work and in the OLL cohort setting.
Keywords: reflection, critical thinking, national cultural dimensions, team effectiveness
Reflections on Work Groups and Teams
For people with a teachable spirit, learning and applying the newly obtained knowledge has always been an ongoing process. The primary objective of the paper is to take the first steps of the journey to evaluate my key learning from this semester. By starting with an in-depth look at the power of reflection and critical thinking, this paper walks through three concepts that impacted me the most from the course. This paper further discusses practical approaches I could take to implement the learning into my everyday life.
Learning Highlights
Reflection and Critical Thinking
As one of the first theories we discussed, the ideas of reflection and critical thinking served as the learning foundation throughout the course. Before I joined the Organizational Leadership and Learning (OLL) program, I proudly called myself a reflective person. Back then, I viewed reflection as simply rumination and self-introspection. After all the reflective exercises we did this semester, the concept of reflection now meant so much more than going over the event or new knowledge I had encountered in my mind.
Joseph Raelin (2001) defines reflection as “a practice of periodically stepping back to ponder the meaning to self and others in one’s immediate environment about what recently transpired” (p. 11). For me, the act of reflection is intentional. It requires one to deliberately pause then take a look back, to think about how and why of the event or new knowledge. The next step of personal reflection involves bringing the discovery to the current stage of life; which leads to the next phase of learning – application.
Reflection often goes hand in hand with critical thinking. According to the Center of Critical Thinking: “Critical thinking is the ability to think about one’s thinking in such a way as 1. To recognize its strengths and weaknesses and, as a result, 2. To recast the thinking in an improved form”(Glaser, 1996, para.6). Part of the critical thinking process overlaps with reflection. Both practices require one to track the thinking process as a way to bring light to the current situation or decision. In the ladder of inference TED video, Trevor Maber (2012) showcases people’s