
性别、民族主义和土耳其共和国建设 Gender, Nationalism and the construction of the Turkish Republic.

日期:2021年05月16日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4072
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202105161551224355 论文字数:7000 所属栏目:世界史论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
Turks about each other. Though its entrance into the global scene was late and impromptu, Turkey's nationalism proves to be a force to reckon with(Cagaptay, 10). Nationalism in Turkey was strong and adamant and withstood the test of time. This paper aims to answer nationalism questions such as how it came to be, its origin story, the test and trials it underwent, and its peak development. From the perspective of a native Turkish scholar and an external observer, this paper accounts for both sides' experiences. Due to historical necessity, Turkish nationality arose. Nationalism was the thread that brought together the region at a time of dire need when the people were facing their most turbulent times. In the face of a hostile global scene, nationalism came as a saving grace that gave those who fought hard hope for the future. According to Findley, nationalism bred pride in people's hearts and gave them a reason to believe. (10)
9.0 The rise of Turkey
The beginning of the 20th century marked the beginning of danger for the Ottoman empire. This period was a tough one that would see the empire fall if not evaded. The Balkan and Russo-Ottoman wars had exhausted the kingdom and diminished most of its resources. According to Livanios (2006), the empire was unable to defend, thus the term given to it; 'The sick man of Europe.' The end of the world war marked the final blow to the empire as Germany's alliance came to an end. The Mudros armistice gave other nations the entitlement to occupy strategic points in the realm if the allies' security was deemed to be threatened in any way. The armed forces were utterly destroyed, and the treasury was depleted. The evolutionary leaders fled the country, and the citizens were on their own. Governance was at its knees, and the economic scene was a sight of pity. Under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal, the demoralized people of Turkey embarked on a journey to form a national resistance struggle. The invasion of Greeks triggered this into the town of Smyrna. The prime minister of Greece laid a formal claim of the city in the peace conference in Paris. With reinforcement from the allies, the Greeks began the fight to realize their ambitions.
Though no resistance was met from the Ottoman government, these actions were the sparks that lit up the fire in the quest for nationalism. Antonia guerrillas fought back even against the Sultans' orders. The Soviet Union came to the aid of the Turks, and this fueled their determination. Britain poked its head and cheered the Greeks on. After a deficit in reinforcements required, the Brits decided to cut their losses. Thus they called for peace and advocated for another treaty to be signed. The war of independence concluded after the Greeks fell short on military supplies and lacked enough backing. The Turks then capitalized and won the battle. The Turks also became the only peoples to reject the terms imposed on Western countries' world war losers. On October 29th, 1923, the Sultanate and Turkey's abolishment was declared a republic, with Kemal being appointed the President and Ankara announced the nation's capital. 
10.0 The Reform program
After successfully conquering their opponents on the battlefield and gaining independence, the real task lay before the Turks. Turkey now fought to maintain its sovereignty. To fight off Westernization, the Turks had to employ tactics and form ideologies on what they stood for, their beliefs, and how they were to protect their eastern region. Kemal then turned to civilization as the only way the republic would achieve its national strength quest. During the 1924 national assembly, Kemal quoted that 'the Turkish nation has perceived with
great joy that the obstacle which constantly, for centuries, had kept Turkey from joining the civilized nations marching forward on the path of progress have been removed. The nation has finally decided to achieve, in essence, and form, exactly and completely, the life and means that contempora