
性别、民族主义和土耳其共和国建设 Gender, Nationalism and the construction of the Turkish Republic.

日期:2021年05月16日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4009
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202105161551224355 论文字数:7000 所属栏目:世界史论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
circulate on handling cases specific to domestic abuse. Amendments to the laws that pertain to this matter have been adjusted to specify regulations in handling cases. Rehabilitation has been introduced as a corrective measure that can be affected by judges. Terms of complaints, domestic violence, and denouncement have been made clear via amendments. The New Turkish penal code is an example of stipulatory amendments that focus on combating gender-based violence. It employs techniques used in providing guidelines concerning ruling over such cases. Victimization of women has been individualized. Matters such as sexual harassment and marital rape have recently been embodied. 
3.2 Honour killings in Turkey
A report on human rights practices in 2006 outline the account of 15-year-old Naile Erdas, who was killed by her family when she gave birth to a child conceived from rape. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. She begged the doctors to keep her away from her family, from whom she expected the worst of outcomes. Doctors reported this to the state authorities, but Neill was nevertheless sent back to her family by an order issued by the prosecutor. Just as predicted and feared by Neill, the family killed her. Arrests were made, and the father and uncles were taken into custody. The alleged killer, her brother, has since remained at large. The decision to end Neilles' life resulted from the family's predominant stance that the family's honor needed cleansing, thus the execution. Tackling violence in the economy should, therefore, be taken as a prime focus.  Violence is widespread, being particular to women. This treatment of women is a clear view of the nation's gender equality policies and rights. According to (Celbis and Egri 6), the male relatives who keep an eye on women include brothers-in-law, brothers, uncles, and fathers.
4.0 The aspect of political representation in the gender aspect
The implementation of an equal model in the political element is at an all-time low. Activists have rallied to increase the minimum term to be 30%. Debates are currently being held on the current gender representation. These debates aim to attain factual information as to why global gender rights are being neglected. Questions are being posed to identify the wrong turns the government is making in the effort to level gender representation. The main issue, being the patriarchal structure, is a left out piece in gluing together bits. Women have been excluded from participation in decision-making processes. They are undermined continuously and rendered helpless in the governing organs. According to Sonar and Fisk (25), legal innovation does not bring about rapid social change. Not much effort has been exerted in rectifying this elapse inequality. Female figures in the government have continuously voiced their concerns about this matter. The representation of women in local government is relatively higher than their name in the national government. This may be credited to the low significance of policies set on the local level compared to the national scale. The local governance group is more concerned with health, electricity, solid waste, and water services. The significant decisions that impact a national scale have been left to a platform that favors men. Activists call for equal representation in all levels as such is the mode of balancing gender equality. Gender-based perspectives are essential. According to Arat (192), resources available to men in government should also be availed to the women. The activists' standpoint reminds adamant that searching and exploring how such demands can be met is pivotal. 

4.1 The aspect of employment in the gender context
Is work availed equally to both genders in Turkey? What is the determinant factor in terms of unemployment, and what gender does it favor? Is discrimination of pay concerning gender a continuous demerit? The Turkish Constitution states: "For equal or equivalent jobs,
there cannot be a dispa