

日期:2023年08月27日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:399
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202308231205396403 论文字数:39666 所属栏目:人力资源管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
haviour(UPB),firstadvocated by Umphress,Bingham,and Mitchell[6],applies to unethicalbehaviour that workers deliberately engage in that violates societal ethicalnorms but benefits the organisation[6].There are two key points of thisconcept:First and foremost,UPB is an immoral act that is either illegal orimmoral for the institution(Jones,1991).Second,UPB is a type of behaviourthat is advantageous to the company and is constantly adopted by workers.However,this idea largely focuses the benefit of UPB to the organisationwhile ignoring the benefit to the affiliates of the group.So,in 2011,Umphress and Bingham[6]devised a more detailed concept:UPB is definedas willful employee behaviour that violates core cultural ideals,mores,policies,or norms of appropriate conduct in order to promote the efficientfunctioning of the group or its members(e.g.,leaders)[6].UPB is immoral,which means it ignores the hypernorms,or internationally held guidelines fordetermining moral behaviour from justice,legislation,or wider societalnorms.Donaldson and Dunfee(1994)Second,UPB is immoral conduct thatbenefits the organisation or himself,with the goal of benefiting theorganization's members or both.They often provide three boundaryconditions at the same time:To begin with,workers may act unethicallywithout intending to,because UPB is a deliberate act that excludes unethicalbehaviour that benefits the organisation due to error or unconsciousness.Second,workers perform UPB with the objective of assisting the group.Ifthe end result of the behaviour causes problems for the group,it does notbelong to UPB.Finally,UPB stresses that habits are solely for the sake ofmaximising the group's interests;immoral acts done primarily for the benefit of the self alone,rather than the organisation or its members,will not bedeemed UPB.











5.1 Profile of the Respondents

A sample size of 263 were used of the study.Among all the respondents,44.2 percent of them were female.The respondents’mean age was 30.49(SD0.49)with ages ranging from 18 to 62.Marital status shows that 53 percentwere unmarried while 46 percent were married.Annual income shows amean annual income of 462140.39,(SD 414543.463)and educationalattainment of Junior college or below been 19.2 percent,Bachelor degree59.6 percent,and Master degree and above 9.1 percent.Among therespondents reported,General Manager was 16.2 percent,Middle-levelManager 15.5 percent,Senior Management 61.5%.on the number of peopleworked with(tenure)the mean value was 25.615,(SD 46.8295)with aminimum of 1 and maximum of 500.



6.1 Discussion of Findings

This study investigated the influence of High commitment HRM onUnethical Pro-organizational behaviours,with the moderating role ofperceived organizational support in Nigeria using the NNPC and MTN.

Results of the statistical analyses revealed that High commitment humanresource management is positively and statistically significant to Unethicalpro-orgnisational behaviours.As a result,this suggests that the personnel thatreceive organisational support had a significant positive promotion influenceon UPB.Employees who value job design,participation in decision making,training and development,pay for accomplishment,a high level of pay,andperformance evaluation for employee reward and performance may impactworkers'morale,encouraging them to conduct UPB.With a correlation of upto 48%between high commitment human resource management andunethical organisational behaviours,there is a robust association between thetwo.The conclusions of this research support Matherne and Litchfield's(2012)contention that workers with g