

日期:2018年02月11日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1508
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201801282130057191 论文字数:37485 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
form instead of meaning, and it does notpay enough attention to the function of language (He Guangchen, 2002). Behavioristpsychology emphasizes stimulation, reaction, strengthening, and habit forming (LuLianghuan, 2003). It believes that teaching is a process in which a teacher stimulatesand the students react. The correspondent product approach requires bottom-upwriting starting from sentences. It advocates the imitation of input information and there-creation, the result of which is to be checked by the output writing. Its basic modeincludes the following steps: getting familiar with the model essay, controllingexercise, guiding exercise, and free writing. The whole teaching process is controlledby the teacher who highlights writing product, while the students are only passive receivers.

2.2 Researches on correlation between reading and writing
One of the most important researches on correlation between reading andwriting is Reading-to-write. It is a term from language testing studies, is contrast towriting-only (Plakans,2008). In language studies, Reading-to-write tasks arecompared with writing-only tasks, and results show sharp differences in theirprocesses. Reading-to-write tasks show large differences across writers based on theirexperience and interest in writing, making composing a more constructive process,while writing-only tasks require writers to use more effort in planning before writingand result more often in placement into writing courses(Plakans, 2012) Theadvantages of Reading-to-write include the following steps: Reading to gain ideasabout the topic; shaping opinions on the topic; using source texts for evidence, andusing source texts for language support. Reading-to-write can be applied in classroomteaching. In language learning contexts, academic writing tasks are often integratedwith reading, listening or speaking to elicit more authentic integrative language use.Reading-to-write model is a teaching approach which requires students to writea composition based on reading an assigned material. The Reading-to-write taskrequires students to read the assigned materials which have various topics and textstructures. The definition of Reading-to-write has been given by many researchers.Stein(1990) proposed a Reading-to-write model in L1 in 1990s. This teaching methodconsists of four steps: (1) Monitoring: the writer uses the original text to supervisestudents  progress; (2) Elaborating: the writer combines the source text with learned knowledge of the topic in order to create new ideas; (3) Structuring: studentsreorganizes the information acquiring from the source text to form the new text; (4)Planning: the writer shift from reading to writing. It is usually thought that L2 writingtheory bases often grow from L1 writing theory, especially for writing process theory,because these concepts have developed for a longer time and can be adapted to L2writing (Weigle, 2002) Therefore, these steps above Stein proposed can be used forreference to EFL writing teaching in junior high school. However, as the researchcontexts for L1 and second language acquisitions are not all the same, somemodification should be made as well as the theoretical borrowing.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations............17
3.1 Relevant Theories .......... 17
3.1.1 Krashen s Comprehensible Input Hypothesis ............ 17
3.1.2 Swain s Output Hypothesis.... 18
3.1.3 Cognitive Process Theory of Writing....... 19
3.2 Strategy of Integrating Reading and Writing ..... 20
3.2.1 Definitions............ 20
3.2.2 Principles of the Strategy of Integrating Reading and Writing .... 23
Chapter Four Research Methodology....... 27
4.1 Research Questions ........ 27
4.2 Participants............ 27
4.3 Res