

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:21162
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw200809240803455146 论文字数:40000 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title

Analysis of Middle School Students’ Listening Obstacles and It’s countermeasures

[Abstract] Listening is an essential component of communication in human life, but for most middle school students, among listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, listening is the most difficult one, in other words, it is their common weakness. In real life, for a language learner, it is a difficult task to precisely understand the speakers’ meaning in limited time. Listening comprehension is a complex activity: it requires students to use their phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and background knowledge. So most students have many difficulties in listening comprehension. This article mainly analyzes the linguistic and non-linguistic obstacles that affect listening comprehension. The author suggests that students only with a good psychological state and interest in study, enough linguistic and background knowledge and listening skills, and good listening habits can students effectively improve their listening ability.
[Key Words] listening comprehension; obstacles; countermeasures


【摘 要】 听力是人们语言交际能力的主要方面,但对于中学生来说,听力理解是听说读写四项技能中最难的环节,是他们的共同弱点。在实际生活中,对语言学习者来说,要做到在有限的时间内准确地理解并掌握说话人的意思是一件具有相当难度的学习任务。听力是一项复杂的活动,在听力的过程中需要综合地运用学生的语音、词汇、语法、文化背景等方面的知识去完成每道题目。但是,目前大部分中学生在听力理解中都存在着许多的问题。本文主要分析了影响中学生听力提高的语言障碍和非语言障碍。作者提出了只有培养良好的心理素质和浓厚的学习兴趣,牢固地掌握语言知识和听力技巧,加强对英美文化背景知识的了解,扩大词汇量,养成良好的学习习惯,才能更有效地提高听力水平。
【关键词】 听力;障碍;对策

1. Introduction
Listening comprehension has always been treated as a passive activity and given much less attention that it deserves. In fact, listening is an active and complex linguistic activity. According to English Linguist Juny Underwood, “the whole process of listening comprehension can be divided into three stages: The sounds go into a sensory store; Processing of the information by the short-term memory; Transferring the information to the long-term memory” [1]. As an essential part of English class, listening is the middle school students’ common weakness. There mainly exist two different kinds of obstacles affecting listening, the first one is linguistic obstacles which include the native language barriers, the phonetic knowledge, the vocabulary, the grammar, the speed of speaking; the second one is non-linguistic obstacles which include background knowledge, bad listening habits, the psychological factors, memory factors.

2. Linguistic obstacles in the process of listening comprehension
To solve the problems in listening comprehension, teachers must first have a better understanding of the difficulties that students encounter in their listening. Many factors will affect the whole process of listening; firstly, we are going to talk about the linguistic obstacles.
2.1 Lack of phonetic knowledge
“Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.”[2] Phonetics is crucial in listening comprehension; relationship between one’s phonetic knowledge and his listening is very close. In other words, “if there is no phonetics, there is no listening comprehension; if there is no listening comprehension, phonetics will lose its existing value.”[3] That is because sound is the direct medium of listening and speaking. Only by using correct sound, can students express their views and ideas accurately.  English pronunciation is the first obstacle students must overcome. The purpose we learn English is to communicate with others, what more, communication is a mutual activity. So this requires us to express ourselves as clearly as possible when we communicate with others. On the other hand, we should understand others’ expression. Unfortunately, we found that many middle school students lack of basic phonetic knowledge of distinguishing sounds, liaison, incomplete plosive, words stress and intonation. These linguistic obstacles affect listening comprehension deeply and severely hinder their improvement in listening ability.
2.1.1 Distinguishing sounds