
怀化市广播电视“村村通” 建设的现状与对策研究

日期:2019年03月08日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:论文网 点击次数:1306
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201903081115397822 论文字数:31589 所属栏目:广播电视论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
本人一直从事广播电视发射与覆盖工作,可以联系自己的实际工作实现一个实践上升到理论的过程。本文通过对怀化地区广播电视村村通工程的执行现状与对策研究提出建议,让惠民工程落到实处,好事做实,实事做好,更好地享受发展的红利。本文共分5个部分。第一部分,导论, 交代了研究背景和研究意义、研究的设计以及研究的对象。第二部分,从广播电视“村村通”的内容、广播电视“村村通”的发展历程和加强广播电视“村村通”建设的必要性三方面阐述了广播电视“村村通”的相关理论。第三部分,怀化市广播电视“村村通”建设的现状、问题原因分析。第四部分,推进怀化市广播电视“村村通”建设的对策,包括思想认识、经济、管理体制、技术覆盖和人才队伍五方面的内容。
Radio and television village project is the majority of rural farmers and herdsmen loved by the people of the project is to reflect the party and the government to protect and protect the cultural rights and interests of farmers continue to meet the needs of farmers and civilians public service services, is the majority of farmers to accept advanced Culture, and cultural quality of cultural engineering, is to promote the party's policy, reflect the people's aspirations, the spread of socialist core values of social engineering, is the development of rural economy, to teach agricultural science and technology, increase farmers' income, accelerate the construction of new socialist countryside Huimin Engineering, but also a major project in building a harmonious culture, cultivating a civilized fashion, spreading the socialist core values and promoting the great development and prosperity of the socialist culture. Huaihua is located in the western part of Hunan, belonging to remote areas. The implementation of national policy can not be implemented and implemented in the grassroots at the end, Huaihua is the nerve endings can most truly reflect the implementation of the policy.
I have been engaged in radio and television launch and coverage work, you can contact their own practical work to achieve a practice to rise to the theory of the process. In this paper, through the implementation of Huaihua area radio and television village village project implementation status and countermeasures research proposal, let Huimin project to implement, good things to do real, do a good job, better enjoy the development of dividends. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part, the introduction, explains the research background and research significance, the design of the research and the object of the study. The second part, from the radio and television "village" content, radio and television "village" development process and strengthen the radio and television "village" construction of the three aspects of the need for radio and television "village" Related theory. The third part, Huaihua City radio and television "village" construction of the status quo, the reasons for the analysis. The fourth part, to promote the Huaihua City radio and television "village" construction of the countermeasures, including ideological and understanding, economic, management system, technical coverage and personnel of the five aspects of the content.
Key words: broadcast television; Coverage; Hui people project; Huaihua city
目  录
摘要 I
第1章 导论 1
1.1研究背景与研究意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
三、研究的设计 5
(一)研究的基本思路 5
(二)研究的基本框架 6
(三)研究的基本方法 8
四、研究的对象 8
第2章 广播电视“村村通”工程概述 11
2.1广播电视“村村通”的内容 11
2.1.1“村村通”的概念 11
2.1.2广播电视村村通工程的阶段划分 11
2.2广播电视“村村通”的建设情况 12
2.2.1中央政府高度重视 12
2.2.2地方政府积极响应 12
2.2.3基层广电人员辛勤劳作 13
2.3加强广播电视“村村通”建设的必要性 16
2.3.1提高农民的生活质量 17
2.3.2推进农村的经济增长 17
2.3.3维护农民的合法权益 18
第3章 怀化市广播电视“村村通”建设现状、问题及原因分析 20
3.1怀化市广播电视“村村通”建设的现状 20
3.2怀化市广播电视“村村通”建设存在的问题 23
3.2.1认识不足 23
3.2.2资金缺乏 24
3.2.3管理体制机制不健全 24
3.2.4缺乏合理的技术覆盖方案 25
3.3怀化市广播电视“村村通”建设存在问题的原因 26
3.3.1思想认识方面的原因 26
3.3.2经济方面的原因 27
3.3.3管理机制方面的原因 29
第4章 推进怀化市广播电视“村村通”建设的对策 31
4.1思想认识方面的建议 31
4.1.1思想认识方面的政策建议 31
4.1.2思想认识方面的对策建议 32
4.2经济方面的建议 33
4.2.1经济方面的政策建议 33
4.2.2经济方面的对策建议 34
4.3管理体制方面的建议 35
4.4技术覆盖方面的建议 35
4.5人才队伍方面的建议 36
4.5.1树立正确的人才观 36
4.5.2重视员工的教育培训 36
4.5.3调整人才结构 37
4.5.4建立健全激励机制 37
结束语 38
参考文献 40
第1章 导论