

日期:2023年08月24日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:574
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202308111546185371 论文字数:39669 所属栏目:经济管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One:Introduction

1.1 Research Background


Over the past 20 years,price stability has become the primary aim for manycountries,including Turkey,to formulate and implement commodity policies.Whileinflation has been effectively controlled,with the deepening of financial markets invarious countries,the changes in the prices of various n assets have becomeincreasingly serious,and the effectiveness of the central bank’s monetary policy isfacing challenges.In the late 1980s,Japanese real estate prices rose all the way,forming a more serious asset foam.When the economic foam burst,it triggered aseries of profound consequences,such as the credit crunch and the risingunemployment rate,which led to the economic recession that lasted more than tenyears.The global stock market crash in 1987 started with the collapse of the NewYork Stock Market in the United States,and quickly caused the stock markets ofFrance,Britain,Japan,and other western developed countries to suffer a sharpK-Drop in succession,forming a global stock market crash.In the Latin Americanfiscal crisis triggered by Mexico in 1994 and the Asian fiscal crisis in1997,thebursting of the asset foam had a serious adverse impact on the economies of thesedeveloping countries and even the global economy.In the 1990s,a real estate foamoccurred in Turkey’s Antalya Province.When the foam burst,many uncompletedresidential buildings were left,and Antalya development bank went bankrupt.Thatwas the most serious asset foam event in Turkish Mainland.

1.2 Research Significance

This research aims to supply a comprehensive view of the effects of inflation onreal estate sales.It will allow government and other experts to make informeddecisions about the sector.It is also particularly important for the scientificcommunity as it will allow them to check the changes in the market.It is alsoespecially important for real estate managers to find the mistakes they made in thepast.This paper aims to supply a comprehensive view of the effects of inflation on thesector.It will additionally help them develop a new concept about the issue.Forscience,the paper breaks down the concept of inflation into two parts:one is relatedto the increase in the demand of products,and the other is related to the decline in thelevel of investing in properties.Inflation is considered as an obstacle for manybusinesses around the world.Since turkey has facing high inflation,this paper isunlike earlier studies,this study is the first to examine effects of inflation on realestate market size change while other recent studies in turkey explored varied factorsaffecting real estate market or inflation causes.

1.2.1 Theoretical Significance

Domaçhas determined the causes of inflation in turkey in a recent study.The aimof this study is to analyze how uncertainty affects the Turkish economy.It isconducted through the combination of Phillips curves and money models.It isexpected that the country’s current economic situation will have significant effects onthe country’s financial stability[7].A study revealed that the prices of real estatehouses in different regions in Turkey can be affected by the level of heterogeneities.

Chapter Two:Research Trends and Literature Review

2.1 Research Trends

American economist Fisher(1911)was the first to study the relationship betweenasset prices and inflation.In purchasing power of money,he first proposed that assetprices would affect the level of inflation.He believed that the increase of moneysupply would first cause the rise of asset prices,and IW would then be transmitted tothe price of consumer goods.Fisher’s research has for the first time drawn people’sattention to the relationship between asset prices and commodity market prices.Pigou(1930)proposed the“Pigou effect”,also known as the real money balance effect.Itsmain idea is that the actual purchasing power of people holding mo