
Management Essay高分范文:Challenge of Implementing of Effective Performance Measures

日期:2023年11月30日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:866
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Putting your faith in numbers, metrics in your performance assessment package all comes as numbers. The problem is that number-driven managers often end up producing reams of low-quality data.
Gaming your metrics, you can’t prevent people from gaming numbers, no matter how outstanding your organisation. The moment you choose to manage by a metric you invite your managers to manipulate it. Someone who has learned how to optimise a metric without actually having to perform will often do just that. To create an effective performance measurement, you have to work with that fact rather than deny it.
Sticking to your numbers too long, in the earliest stages, performance is all about survival, cash resources and growth. Comparisons are to last week, last month and last year. But as the business matures, the focus has to move to profit and the comparisons to competitors. You have to be very precise about what you want to asses, be explicit about what metrics are assessing it and make sure that everyone is clear about both.
To avoid the first trap, companies need to find out the information externally, such as from customers and not internally, where they look at numbers from the last quarter.
One company who did this where, Rockwater, they implemented doing customer research into their strategy and hired an independent organisation to conduct annual surveys to rank customers’ perceptions of the company. This is one efficient way of avowing falling into the first of Likierman’s traps. Another way of avoiding this trap is to go to professionals outside your organisation and get them to judge the progress of your company. (HBR 1993)
Anticipating changes in the market and then responding positively to the changes can be a good way to avoiding the second trap. As the years go by and new products and services are being created, the markets are always changing, so adapting to the change and offering a better service or product than your competition will give you an advantage. Because markets are changing, looking back at previous performances over the previous years would be pointless. Rockwater are also an example of how they responded to change in the construction and engineering market. They realised that their industry was changing and came up with a whole new vision and strategy to cope with this change and remain a top competitor within that industry, rather than analysing their previous performances and trying to expand on that. (HBR 1993)
Rather than focusing on maximising revenues and profits, organisations also need to focus on customer satisfaction to avoid the third trap. This is said to be the biggest factor in making more profit, the better customer satisfaction you have the more likely you are to make more revenue and more profit. By focusing on customers, you’re giving them what they want and meeting their requirements, therefore you’re not only retaining the same customers but at the same time attracting new customers from your competitors who aren’t offering them the same as you and aren’t meeting their requirements. Rockwater realised this when it came to adapting to the changes in their industry. They set out a vision of providing the best safety and qu