
International Relations Essay范文参考:Puerto Rico's Relationship with the United States

日期:2023年12月12日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:732
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202312121101259837 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay

International Relations Essay范文参考-波多黎各与美国的关系。本文是一篇美国留学生国际关系专业essay写作范文参考,主要内容是讲述1898年,西班牙和美国之间爆发了一场战争,开始了波多黎各在未来许多年的样子。1895年,古巴人民决定起义,反抗西班牙。1898年,美国发动了1898年的战争,西班牙领导了美国的行动。美国决定加入这场战争,让古巴独立,让美国能够看到他们在世界上的表现,因为这场战争使他们成为了一个世界大国。美西战争持续了十个星期,西班牙人不知所措,投降了。为了最终阻止西班牙和美国之间的战争,西班牙人不得不放弃对古巴的控制,并以2000万美元的价格将关岛、菲律宾群岛和波多黎各岛交给了美国。1898年末,西班牙和美国签署了《巴黎条约》,这给了美国他们想要成为这一重要条约一部分的一切。波多黎各成为美国联邦,他们欢迎美国公民,波多黎各很高兴不再受西班牙人的控制。1900年,威廉·麦金利总统签署了《弗雷克法案》,赋予波多黎各人民自己的政府,即使他们是美国控制下的领土。下面就一起来看一下这篇International Relations Essay范文的具体内容。


In the year 1898, there was a war between Spain and the United States that started the way Puerto Rico would look like for many years to come. The United States went into the war of 1898 when the Cuban people decided to revolt and have a rebellion against the Spanish in 1895 and the actions of the Spanish led The United States decided to join in the war to give Cuba their independence and for the United States to be able to see how they are doing in the world ranks as this war established them as a world power. The Spanish American War lasted ten weeks and the Spanish was overwhelmed and surrendered and to be able to finally stop the war between Spain and the United States, the Spanish had to give up control of Cuba and gave the United States Island of Guam and the Philippine Islands and the Island of Puerto Rico for twenty million dollars. The Treaty of Paris was signed in late 1898 signed by Spain and the United States which gave America everything they wanted to be a part of this major treaty. Puerto Rico became a United States Commonwealth and they welcomed the citizens of the United States and Puerto Rico was very happy to not be under control of the Spanish anymore. In 1900, President William McKinley signed the Foraker Act which gave the Puerto Rican people their own government even if they were a territory under the United States control.
Since the year 1898, Puerto Rico has been a major place for the Americans and this meant forming a new political system in Puerto Rico. The politics in Puerto Rico have been changed dramatically now that they were a territory of the United States. The relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico is strong overall and many different people and countries have their own opinions on how the relationship is between the two. Modern-Day Puerto Rico is now still a United States Commonwealth that is a democracy and a style of government that is under the control of the United States and the United States lets Puerto Rico run their own government as Puerto Rico does actually run the government almost the same as the United States does because it made sense to them. Puerto Rico made the call to divide their government into three branches which are the executive, legislative and judicial. Puerto Rico also has a Constitution that was ratified on July 25, 1952 that includes their laws written and details of how the government works that also includes a Bill of Rights. Puerto Rico includes many different political parties but the two most popular political parties that are pretty evenly popular in Puerto Rico are the Partido Nuevo Progesista and the Partido Popular Democratico and both of these parties have about 47% of the popular vote in Puerto Rico. The executive power is led by the Puerto Rican Governor and the Legislative power and decisions are decided by the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico and the judicial power of the island consists of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico’s officials of the government are elected and decided every four years by a popular vote and the members of the government in Puerto Rico are elected with the approval of the Senate which is very close to the way the United States runs things in their own country.