
人力资源管理paper写作范文:Recruitment Policies in IKEA

日期:2023年10月25日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1145
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202310251038239039 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
ver using paper. It is possible to monitor how many people have gone on to a website to look at a job.
But each and every company has followed its own recruitment process. IKEA’s recruitment process runs like following. First of all if anybody is interested in working in IKEA, he/she has to go through a list of open positions. If any post are suitable or challenging and moreover if he/she meet the requirements, apply via a button directly in an advertisement. If there is no open position interesting for a person but want to work in IKEA, send the CV to IKEA.
IKEA will give an e-mail answer about receiving the request or CV in both cases. Then IKEA management will assess delivered applications then and choose from applicants several most suitable candidates for the particular job position. After that a formal invitation sent to the candidates via e-mail or phone to participate in a selection process.
How a selection process runs 选择过程的运行方式
Selection process usually consists of three rounds. First of them is assessment centre, second one is a personal interview with a future manager and third one is a personal interview with a boss of this manager.
Assessment centre 评估中心
Assessment centre is a way to know more about their future colleagues when they are solving different tasks and discuss with others. There are about 10 applicants participating. Both group tasks which a person will solve together with other participants and individual tasks are included. The great advantage is that candidate can get a feedback from one of the assessors if he/she wants to. They can know about their own strengths and weaknesses important for the career, where the advantage lies for a candidate and where they can improve.
Second round 第二轮
Two or three candidates who pass to the second round are chosen based on the assessment centre results. The second round is a personal interview with a future manager. Usually IKEA personnel do not ask tricky questions. They appreciate the most candidates’ honesty. They could ask to fill in a personal test as a part of the interview. If you want to ask anything about the future job, this is the right time to ask.
3. Personal interview 个人面试
The third round is a personal interview between the most suitable candidate and the boss of the person’s future manager, so called grandparent principle. IKEA are also interested in a candidate’s motivation to work in IKEA in this phase and what expectation he/she has.
JOB ROLE: HR Manager 职位:人力资源经理
As a HR Manager I need to set some criteria regarding the scope of work within the organisation.
IKEA always look for the following things within a candidate and thus they issue job description. This is a task of a HR manager.
The manager should be aligned with other departments during the process of recruitment.
Practical skills 实用技能
Ability to understand and get along with other people 理解他人并与他人相处的能力
Ability to ask questions and give inputs 提出问题和提供意见的能力
Encouraged employees to question the management and express their ideas and belief 鼓励员工质疑管理层并表达他们的想法和信念
Co-workers who had mastered their current jobs were encouraged to seek new challenges 鼓励掌握了当前工作的同事寻求新的挑战
Job enlargement or enrichment 扩大或丰富工作
Value fit was the selection criteria 价值匹配是选择标准
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