Business Paper写作范文-什么是消费者行为?本文是一篇留学生Business Paper写作格式范文,主要内容是讲述消费者行为被定义为研究消费者以及为满足其需求和欲望而获取、消费和处置商品和服务的交换过程。换句话说,消费者行为受到生活方式、个性、知识、动机、态度、信念和感受的影响。本篇paper引用了Linehan理论提出,消费者的行为有三种活动;获取、消耗和处置。购买是导致实际购买的活动,消费是消费者将如何、在哪里以及在什么情况下使用产品,处置是消费者处置其消费的产品的行为。下面就一起来看以下这篇Business Paper写作范文的具体内容。
Consumer behaviour is defined as the study of the consumer and the exchange processes involved in acquiring, consuming and disposing of goods, services to satisfy their needs and desires (Linehan, 2008). In other words, consumer behaviour is influenced by lifestyle, personality, knowledge, motivation, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Linehan (2008) also suggests that the behaviour of a consumer has three activities; acquisition, consumption, and disposition. Acquisition being the activities leading to the actual purchase, consumption is how, where and under what circumstances the consumer will use the product, and disposition this being the action by which the consumer disposes of the products which they have consumed.A consumer is generally thought of as an individual who recognises a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of the product during the three stages in the consumption process. The term consumer behaviour is used to describe two separate consumer entities; the personal consumer and the organisational consumer. The personal consumer purchases products for his/her own use, intended for use in the household, or as a gift. In each of these situations the product is purchased for final use by individuals, who are also known as ultimate consumers. The organisational consumer includes companies, schools, hospitals, etc… purchase products that are required to run their organisation. (Schiffman, Hansen and Kanuk, 2008). The decisions of all consumers are influenced by several individual characteristics that are linked to the consumers’ individual needs (Chaudhuri).
Consumer decision making process 消费者决策过程
Consumer decision making is defined as the process by which consumers identify their needs/desires, collect information on product/service, evaluate alternatives, and make the purchase decision. Psychological and economic factors determine these actions, and are influenced by cognitive and emotional factors such as family, friends, moods, role models, and advertisers (Schiffman, Hansen and Kanuk, 2008).
Decision-Making (Schiffman, Hansen and Kanuk, 2008, p 75) 决策
Input 输入
In this particular consumer behaviour model the input componant draws on external influences to serve as sources of information regarding a product and shape a consumer’s product-related values, behaviour and attitudes.
The firms marketing efforts are a straight-forward attempt to inform consumers of their products and attempt to influence them into ourchasing said products. These inputs to the consumers decision making process form a clear marketing strategy employed by the company, that is a combination of the product (including its packaging), media advertisment, pricing policy and a carefully selected set of distribution channels to best suit their product and move the product from manufacturer to consumer (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2009).
The sociocultural environment, also has a huge influence on the consumer. Sociocultural influences consist of a vast range of non-commercial influences. These influences such as social class and culture play a major role in how consumers evaluate products and make their purchasing decisions.