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日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:9716
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002241308098690 论文字数:9142 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
ection method can be divided into two categories quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative will be the using of survey questionnaire; where else qualitative will involve interviews. (Wagonhurst 2002).

Questionnaire is an interview on paper (Figure 2). Advantages of conducting a questionnaire is that every person input can be included. Employees can complete the questionnaires as and when they choose to. The data that is compiled and analyse is easily done because every employee are asked the same question (Directory Journal 2007)

Interviews (Figure 3) are able to ensure that the types of data collected from all sources are consistent and this information can be one person’s opinion, or the entire organization. Questions that are selected help the organization to understand what they are trying to learn (Directory Journal 2007).

In order to obtain a full understanding of the performance deficiencies it is important to obtain the employees comments. By asking intelligent questions and listening to them will build credibility from your interviewees. Personal involvement and commitment would be able to establish personal relationship with potential trainers that will be important to succeed as an analyst and trainer (Directory Journal 2007).

This will be a four step process using Task Analysis (Figure 4)

The analysis stage which is the first step involves accessing new employees training needs. The aim is to give new employees the skill and knowledge to do the job. Job description and job specification are important here as it will list the specific duties and skill which will be the reference points in determining the training required. By uncovering the training needs by reviewing the existing performance standards, performing the job and question the current job holders.

The instructional Design, second step will consist of the duration which will take 4-12 weeks depending on size of the department. Involvement will be HR executives and manger conducting the ground work together with HR director at the final stage before feed back to the management on the result of each department. Cost will be minimal as the process of the data collection will conducted by the Human Resources department.

The third step, program Implementation method that I would recommend for the different types of training methods is

On the job training – is the most popular or widely used method in todays’ organizations, it is the most familiar method whereby the experienced worker or trainee supervisor trains the employee. Job Instruction training

Informal training, covers 80% of what employees learn on the job is not through formal training but informal means on a daily means while in collaboration with their colleagues

Lecturers, lectures can be boring but it is a quick and simple way to present knowledge to a large group of trainees or when the sales force is being introduced to a new product.

Computer based training, trainers use interactive computer systems to increase the knowledge or skills. By using an interactive multimedia training which uses text, video, graphics, photos, animation and sound to allow the employee to interact.

Evaluation is the final or fourth step. This process will involve determining the participant reaction to training program, how much participants have learned and transfer of the training back to the job. This information gathered is then used in the next cycle of training needs assessment.

Ranking, the approach is relatively simple and if there are few jobs involved it tends to work. Identify the key jobs and interpolate where each is in ranking order. Job ranking will be difficult in large organizations because of unfamiliarity of the job.

Grading is another form of ranking. Defined as a predetermined classification system in rising order of importance. It is widely used, simple to understand and simple to administer and implement.

Point assessment developed to evaluate managerial and technical jobs. Popular and wide used because of its