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日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:9650
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002241308098690 论文字数:9142 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
of the morning inspection. That data also implies that the plant could in fact be running the vats, mixers, etc for a full 24 hours, and not be cleaned periodically let alone being inspected. All of which leads to the question, what are the responsibilities of the other shifts.

The final information presented in this case study is the argument made by Paul to George when George brings the presence of maggots to Paul’s attention. Paul responds “don’t’ forget that all this stuff goes through homogenizer (pressure tube) so any solid matter will be completely pulverized. And when it’s heated in the pasteurization process, any bacteria will be killed”. Unfortunately that is not the case. According to K.R. Mathers in his study of dairy microbiology he states “UHT or ultra-heat-treated) is also used for milk treatment. In the HTST process, milk is forced between metal plates or through pipes heated on the outside by hot water, and is heated to 71.7°C (161°F) for 15–20 seconds. UHT processing holds the milk at a temperature of 135°C (275°F) for a minimum of one second” (Montville). The process would 1.) Not remove all the maggots and or the remains from the homogenizer, and 2.) Even if the pasteurization process disintegrated the remnants of the homogenization process would still not remove all the disintegrated remains. There would still be contaminants making their way into the final product. Because Paul is not a trained supervisor, and one could assume he does not have a chemical engineering, or biology degree, he does not know this. And to presume he understands the process, for which his only function in it is to clean the equipment, shows the ultimate lack of supervision on the company’s part.

In conclusion, the Eastern Dairy Company has to ultimately be forced to recall on all its mixes to all their clients for that specific production date. The Eastern Dairy Company also needs to fire Paul, and the other night crew members, for their lack of responsibility and disregard to what should have been company protocol. They must also hire new night crew teams, as well as hire a night shift supervisor fully aware of company policies and procedures. As a direct result of the contaminated shipments, Eastern Dairy might even have to face potential lawsuits, and fines. All of which could have been avoided, if the site was maintained, and properly cleaned and supervised.