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对慢性阻塞性肺疾病的案例研究Case Study on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

日期:2018年01月24日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:877
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201710051213421228 论文字数:2229 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper
1.0Introduction 介绍

慢性阻塞性肺疾病是一种慢性阻塞性肺疾病,以慢性呼吸困难为特征。随着时间的推移,病情会越来越糟。这种病会引起病人的一些症状,如咳嗽、呼吸困难、咳痰。慢性支气管炎可变成慢性阻塞性肺疾病随着时间的推移。目前,吸烟在世界范围内越来越流行,被认为是COPD最常见的原因之一,其他原因可能是遗传和空气污染。在一些发展中国家,慢性阻塞性肺病通常是由空气污染引起的。空气污染会使肺部感到不舒服,这会加重肺部的压力。COPD可以通过减少被提及的原因而被禁止。努力减少吸烟率,提高室内外空气质量。COPD的治疗方法很多。随着科技的发展和医学科学的发展,COPD治疗的条件越来越好,对健康有很大的帮助。本文将主要围绕Jo Ventura的情况在慢性阻塞性肺疾病的研究。本文还对护理管理策略的方法和面临的挑战进行了详细的论述,旨在促进护理管理的改进,降低现代COPD的发病率。Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which can be called COPD, is a kind of obstructive lung disease that is characterized by the chronically poor airflow. With time passing by, the disease will become worse and worse. This disease will lead to some symptoms of the patients of it, such as cough, short of breath and sputum. Chronic bronchitis can turn into COPD over time. Nowadays, smoking become more and more popular in the world, which has been considered as one of the most common reasons for COPD, and other causes can be genetics and air pollution. In some developing countries, the COPD can be commonly caused by the air pollution. The air pollution can make the lung uncomfortable, which will add the pressure of the lung. COPD may be prohibited by decreasing the exposure of the causes that have been referred. The efforts can be various, such as reducing the smoking rate and improving the quality of the air outdoor and indoor. There are many treatments of COPD. With the development of technology and the development of medical science, the conditions of the COPD treatments become better and better, which is beneficial for health to a great degree. The paper will mainly focus on the case of Jo Ventura to study on the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The methods and challenges to the strategies of nursing management will also be discussed in detail in the thesis, which aims to contribute to the improvement of the nursing management and to decrease the rate of getting COPD in modern times. 

2.0COPD and thehealth conditions of Jo Ventura
2.1The general knowledge on COPD
2.2 The health conditions of Jo Ventura
2.3The specific issues and nursing strategies in the patient


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is becoming more and more dreadful, for the death rate increases, which has attracted the attention of more and more people in modern times. The chronically poor airflow has made the patents uncomfortable to do all the things. Without normal breath, most activities will become impossible for the patient, which is too cruel for the patient. In the paper, the prevalence, pathophysiology, and common signs and symptoms of COPD have been discussed in the basis of the case of Jo Ventura. Jo Ventura ages high and he needs to be taken care of more carefully. In modern times, smoking is one of the most phenomena in the world. The health conditions of Jo Ventura are not so well at all, and it is necessary to help more people to know COPD, which may contribute to the prevention and recovery of the disease gradually(Walter, 2003). The specific issues and nursing strategies in Jo Ventura have also been explained in the above, which may help improve the nursing strategies in the near future.  
