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关于美国卡特里娜灾难的案例研究Case study about Katrina disaster in US

日期:2018年02月05日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1159
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201707102221521278 论文字数:2238 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
卡特里娜飓风发生在2005年8月29日上午,卡特里娜飓风的中心在新奥尔良东南部。这场灾难给新奥尔良带来了巨大的损失;超过80%的城市被淹。首先,卡特里娜飓风对人们的健康和财产造成了极大的伤害。灾后的一年,新奥尔良残疾人士的比例大幅上升,伤亡人数因年龄和性别而异。新奥尔良健康成年人数量有所下降,有更多的精神残疾者(Narayan Sastry,Jesse Gregory,2013,p122)。人们的财产受到很大损失,包括房屋,农场和汽车。第二,环境状况也受到很大的损害。灾后的环境状况很差,不适合人们生活。生态平衡被破坏,难以恢复整个生态系统。灾难可能导致物种死亡,生物多样性下降。例如,墨西哥湾的石油泄漏导致鱼类和海鸟死亡,造成生态系统不平衡。卡特里娜飓风灾难引发二次灾难是最可怕的,人们也忍受不了另一个灾难。最后但并非最不重要的是,这场灾难对毒品交易等大大影响了社会和经济。卡特里娜飓风之后,新奥尔良的药物营销发生了很大变化。
This article will show you a case study about Hurricane Katrina disaster in order to understand the role of mass media in natural disaster recovery better.
Hurricane Katrina disaster happened on the morning of August 29th, 2005, and the centre of Hurricane Katrina went by the southeast of New Orleans. The disaster brought great losses to New Orleans; more than 80% of the city was flooded. In the first place, Hurricane Katrina has done great harm to people’s health and property. In the year after the disaster, the rate of the disabled in New Orleans increased significantly, and the injuries and deaths were different by age and gender. There was a decline in amount of healthy adult population in New Orleans, and there were more people who got mental disability (Narayan Sastry, Jesse Gregory, 2013, p122). Much less people’s property, it was damaged greatly, including their houses, farms, and cars. In the second place, the environment condition also was damaged greatly. The environment condition after the disaster was very poor and not suitable for people to live. The ecological balance was destroyed, and it was difficult to restore the whole ecosystem. The disaster may cause species die out, and the biological diversity decrease. For example, oil spilling in Gulf of Mexico caused mass mortality of fishes and seabirds, and it also caused unbalance of ecosystem. It was the most terrible that the Hurricane Katrina disaster aroused secondary disaster and people could not bear another one. Last but not least, the disaster has impacted on society and economy greatly, such as drug trade. After the year of Hurricane Katrina, the medicine marketing in New Orleans changed a lot. Any form of natural disaster can destroy the medicine market of this area. So did Hurricane Katrina disaster. We can understand thoroughly by Hurricane Katrina disaster that medicine markets can or cannot offer (Eloise Dunlapa, Jennifer Gravesb, , Ellen Benoita, 2012, p475). Mass media report the strategies and measures taken to restore medicine market, and give people information about progress in restoring medicine market.......................

Detailed description and analysis of Katrina disaster in US
Natural recovery in Hurricane Katrina disaster  
Built recovery in Hurricane Katrina disaster
Social recovery in Hurricane Katrina disaster
Human recovery in Hurricane Katrina disaster 
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