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市场营销的留学生作业case study

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201410131153577047 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1730
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201410132338277755 论文字数:3758 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:丹麦 论文语种:English 论文用途:作业/作文 composition

Organization That Exist In The Market Sole Traders Economics Essay


task one








1.1 type of business 

The simplest type of business is the sole trader or self employed person, for the sole trader ,such as a small shopkeeper or small farmer.The sole trader typically ownes the building and the equipment used by the busines, and purchaces all the goods needed for the business and settles the payment themselves. The business is highly personal and responsibility for it’s success or failure rest on his or her shoulders.


A partnership may be any type of business that more people join as partners and conduct the business. The partnership is the firm between Sole trader and the company, the minimum and maximu number of partners are 2 and 20 respectivly. Partners share the profits and all liable debts, and therefore rest heavily on personal trust between eachother.

Example : Small and Medium enterprises (SME)

Companies or Corporation

Company is a legal entity allowed by legislation, which permits a group of people, such as shareholders, it involves greater dependence on formal documents.While there are several types of companies, most are formed by registration which is the filling of prescribed documents with the relevant government authority (For example companies’ house in the UK). Companies may divide into private or public companies.

Private companies are not allowed to offer shares to the public but public companies are allowed. It is usually small with only a few shareholders whereas the public company is a much larger organization with shares traded publicly on stock exchanges. Private and public companies are distinguished with their labels such as ‘Private Limited’ and ‘Public Limited Company’ along with their names.

1.2 Stakeholders in the organizations

Stakeholders can be found in both the public and private sectors, even if they are a profit or non-profit organization. Stakeholders are individuals or groups who pay close attention to how the enterprise performs.

There are three types of stakeholders in the organization

Internal stake holders

Employees, Management-Ultimately, the employees and the management are connected to the company, and are highly interested in the company’s growth. Employees are motivated to be productive when proper care and attention is paid.

Connected Stakeholders

Share holder/ Owner – A return is expected from the investment in either long or short term period.

Bankers – much interested in lending loans to businesses with the focus on the interests received

Customers - the essential part of business. They decide the products to be produced, quantity, quality provided, and any developments needed.

Suppliers - supply materials needed to the company, and expect to be paid well to continue future business

External stakeholders.

Local Authorities, pressure groups, professional bodies and the government fall under this category.

Pressure Groups – will have an interest in particular issues

Professional bodies – interested to ensure that members who work for companies comply with professional ethics and standards

Local Authorities – interested if companies can bring local employment.

1.3 Vision of Royal Mail PLC

Vision of Royal Mail

To be ‘demonstrably the best and most trusted postal services company in the world’.

To achieve its vision it has grown to collect from around 115,000 post boxes and 11,820 post offices six-days-a-week. Royal Mail uses a fleet of 33,600 vehicles and employs 130,000 postmen and women in 1,371 delivery offices, delivering around 62 million items of mail every single working day. In 200