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越南失业率的案例研究case study

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1439
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201409181317187832 论文字数:3316 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:爱尔兰 论文语种:English 论文用途:作业/作文 composition








Case Study Of Unemployment In Vietnam Economics Essay

In the last few decades, international interest in the theme of finding a balance between work and family responsibilities has grown significantly. It is now recognized that the conflicts between work and family life have negative effects on the quality of people*s life (notably on the welfare of women and children), and on working conditions, in particular, worker*s productivity and health.

In Vietnam, recent developments in the labor market can be encapsulated into the following seven major components (not necessary in order of importance):

The major growth in population between 1997 and 2007 has added a large number of labors to the country's labor force, placing pressure on the Vietnam labor market. However, future population growth is not expected to be as high as the previous decade.

There has been strong growth in GDP with consequent employment gains and improved labor productivity, supporting poverty reduction efforts.

There has been a downward trend in labor force participation rates and also employment-to-population ratios. Contributing to this shift are youth remaining in school longer and adults taking earlier retirement.

A very large component of total employment falls into the category of being vulnerable and lack to have a decent work.

There have been significant shifts in labor market with a decreasing proportion in agricultural employment, and rising employment in the industrial and services sectors.

Unemployment is not presently a problem in the country, with the unemployment rate remaining stable and very low over the past decade.

While Vietnam still remains a large population in rural area, it is gradually shifting major number of residents from rural area to urban area.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary######################2

The definition of Unemployment###########........................5

Causes of Unemployment##############.......................6

Types of Unemployment####################.8

The demand for labor & supply for labor#######..........................10

Case Study####################.....................11




Unemployment is not only an economic issue but also a serious social problem of all countries, and especially of developing countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos ... Labour is one of main inputs in production process and unemployment is synonymous with the waste of resources. Unemployment also impacts to poverty and inequality problems of economic development. Moreover unemployment is one of main factor in determining how healthy an economy is. Therefore, explaining unemployment is quite necessary to find causes and to control it.

Literature Review

The definition of unemployment

※The number of people who are actively looking for work but are currently without a job§ [1] .

But not everyone without a job is counted as unemployed, it does not include children and pensioners. The economists usually explain unemployment as: ※People in the working age are currently without a job and available for work at current wage rates§ [2] .


Unemployment Rate = (Unemployed Workers / Total Labor Force) x 100

The unemployment rate is expressed as a percentage:

Example: The unemployed workers in Vietnam are 1.320.000 people and the total labor force is 44.000.000 people.

(1.320.000 / 44.000.000) x 100 = 3% (unemployment rate)

Causes of Unemployment

In the set up of a modern market economy, there are many factors contribute to unemployment. Causes of unemployment are varied an