

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1641
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201502012213223092 论文字数:27556 所属栏目:传播学论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘  要




In this study, it mainly analyzes, discusses and summarizes the practice of public relation industry in the context of era of “big data”, to explore in the background of “big data” era, how the public relations industry can make a change and an innovation in regard to the strategy and business models. The advent of the era of big data, changes the transmission mode of mass media, also changes the information channels from which the audience can accept information, as well as the relationship between mass media and audience. Using the advanced technology emerged in the era of “big data”, channels for audiences to accept information increase, their rights in influencing on public opinions grow. For information itself, information spread faster and much wider, however information is also repetitive to some extent. 

It is indisputable that “big data” impacts on the public relations greatly. In this study, through observation of the challenges faced by public relations industry in the era of “big data”, it discusses the nature changing of public relation as well as the reasons, and further summarizes the opportunities brought by the era of “big data” to public relation industry. Behind the in-depth discussion of the development trend of public relation industry in the era of “big data”, how to carry out strategic reform, how to innovate business model, become the main focus of this study. From analysis of advantages and influences of “big data”, construction of development strategy, business model innovation, this study respectively elaborates the main theme. First of all, the advantages and opportunities of the era of “bid data” are, the efficient information feedback, wide range information sources, which can found solid scientific decision-making basis for the public relation industry. Secondly, special strategic environment, that is, “zero distances” between mass media and the audiences, and “media fragmentation”, can re-construct the development strategy of public relation from the concept, decision-making, technology, service and so on. Thirdly, based on the reconstruction of development strategy, products of public relations can innovate the business model from both the “contents” and the “channels”. 

目  录

绪 论 1
第1章 概念及研究对象界定 7
1.1“大数据”概念的诞生 7
1.1.1“大数据”概念界定 7
1.1.2“大数据”的主要来源与形式 8
1.2“大数据”的基本特征 9
1.3 “大数据”的应用及发展前景 10
1.4公共关系行业的定义及特征 11
第2章 “大数据”对公关行业的影响 14
2.1公共关系行业的传统服务模式 14
2.2公共关系行业的发展瓶颈 15
2.2.1服务模式滞后于时代发展 15
2.2.2服务内容专业化程度不高 15
2.2.3缺乏主动传播的意识和机制 16
2.3“大数据”的优势和影响 17
2.3.1可视的数据转化 17
2.3.2广泛的数据来源 19
2.3.3高效的信息反馈 20
2.3.4决策的科学依据 21
第3章 “大数据时代”公共关系行业的发展战略 23
3.1 “大数据时代”公共关系行业的战略目标 23
3.2“大数据时代”公共关系行业的战略环境 24
3.2.1 “大众零距离”和“媒介碎片化” 24
3.2.2 传统公关传播链条的重构 25
3.3适应大数据时代的发展战略 26
3.3.1观念战略 26
3.3.2决策战略 27
3.3.3技术战略 27
3.3.4服务战略 27
第4章 “大数据时代”公共关系行业的业务创新 29
4.1公关产品从“内容”到“渠道”的创新 29
4.2公关与营销相融合的业务模式 29
4.3 “大数据时代”公关行业持续发展的保障 31
4.3.1技术上重组行业信息技术管理体系结构 31
4.3.2培养大批适应“大数据时代”的尖端人才 31
第5章 结论:“大数据时代”公关行业的挑战与机遇 33
参考文献 35
后 记 39

绪 论

在维克托•迈尔•舍恩伯格的《大数据时代》一书的序言中,开篇阐明“大数据开启了一次重大的时代转型。就像望远镜让我们能够感受宇宙,显微镜让我们能够观测微生物一样,大数据正在改变我们的生活以及理解世界的方式,成为新发明和新服务的源泉,而更多的改变正蓄势待发……” 。从硅谷到北京,关于大数据的话题正引起人们极大的兴趣。随着智能手机、“可佩戴”计算设备的出现,人们的行为、位置、身体生理数据等每一点的变化,都成为可被记录和分析的数据。以此为基础,经济模式、公共卫生、商业服务领域等,都在发生巨大的变革。


