

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:740
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw201009151013241152 论文字数:3800 所属栏目:市场营销论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
    摘要: 品牌延伸是市场高度竞争时期新产品入市的主要手段, 基于联想网络记忆模型和组织知识创造理论的品牌知识模型能使品牌知识有效地留存在顾客记忆之中, 并进行合理的品牌知识创造, 从而建构出品牌延伸中消费者品牌知识的静态模式和动态模式, 揭示出消费者品牌知识对品牌延伸的影响。 <BR>    关键词: 品牌延伸; 消费者; 品牌知识; 演化模式 <BR>Abstract: Brand extension is the chief competitive means for a new product to drive in the market. <A href="www.51lunwen.org">www.51lunwen.org</A>Based on the associative network memory model and the brand knowledge model of the organizational knowledge creation theory, can effectively keep the brand knowledge in the memory of consumers, and rationally create brand knowledge, so as to advance the static and dynamic patterns of consumers' brand knowledge in brand extension and illustrate the influence of this type of knowledge on brand extension. <BR>Key words: brand extension; consumer; brand knowledge; evolving pattern <BR><BR>一、模型综述与分析 <BR>二、静态演化模式 <BR>三、动态演化模式 <BR><BR>参考文献: <BR>[1] Kevin Lane Keller. 战略品牌管理[M].李乃和等译.北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2003. <BR>[2] Kevin Lane, K., Brand synthesis: The multidimensionality of brand knowledge [J].Journal of Consumer Research, 2003.29, (4): 595. <BR>[3] Li, X., How brand knowledge influences consumers' purchase intentions[J]. United States———Alabama.2004. <BR>[4] Franz- Rudolf Esch, et al., <A href="www.51lunwen.org">www.51lunwen.org</A>Are brands forever[J]. How brand knowledge and relationships affect current and future purchases.2006. <BR>[5] Ian, R., F. David, and M. Ruth, Brand knowledge management:Growing brand equity [J].Journal of Knowledge Management,1998.2,(1): 47. <BR>[6] [日]竹内弘高, 野中郁次郎.知识创造的螺旋———知识管理理论与案例研究[M].李萌, 高飞校译.北京: 知识产权出版社, 2006. <BR>[7] Bernd H. Schmitt, Experiential Marketing[M].New York: Free Press, 1999. <BR>[8] Crocker, Jennifer, Fiske, Susan T., and Taylor, Shelley:Schematic Bases of Belief Change, in Attitudinal Judgment,J. R. Eiser, ed [M].New York: Springer- Verlag, 1984, 197-226.