

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:940
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw201009151055115438 论文字数:4000 所属栏目:市场营销论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
    摘要: 激活域是由消费者在制定购买决策时认真考虑的品牌所构成的集合。分别从主观熟悉度和客观熟悉度两个方面检验了产品熟悉度对激活域大小的影响。与以往的结果不同, 发现不同熟悉度水平的组别间在激活域大小上不具有显著差异。利用信息搜索成本对结果进行了解释, 探讨了研究的理论与管理意义, 并提出了未来的研究展望。 <BR>    关键词: 激活域; 意识域; 产品熟悉度; 购买倾向 <BR>Abstract: Evoked set refers to the brands that come into the consideration of consumers when they are going to purchase. In this article, using the concept of subjective familiarity and objective familiarity, the influence of product familiarity on evoked set has been discussed. Different from prior research, our study shows that among groups with different levels of product familiarity, <A href="www.51lunwen.org">www.51lunwen.org</A>there is no significant difference in evoked set size. With the theory of information searching cost, some explanations are given. After that, the implications of this study have been presented and some suggestions are put out. <BR>Key words: evoked setd awareness setd product familiarityd purchase intention <BR><BR>一、引言 <BR>二、对现有研究的述评 <BR>三、研究方法 <BR>四、研究结果及讨论 <BR>五、结论及研究展望 <BR><BR>参考文献 <BR>[1] Roberts J H,Lattin J M.Development and testing of a model of consideration set[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,1991,28(4):429- 441 <BR>[2] Narayana C L, Markin R J. Consumer behavior and product performance- an alternative conceptualization[J]. Journal of Marketing,1975,39(4):1- 6 <BR>[3] Shocker A D,Ben- Akiva M, Boccara B, Nedungadi P. Consideration set influences on consumer decision- making and choice: issues, models, and suggestion[J]. Marketing Letters,1991,2(3):181- 197 <BR>[4] Hauser J H,Wernerfelt B. An evaluation cost codel of consideration sets[J]. Journal of Consumer Research,1990,16(4):393- 408 <BR>[5] Reilly M, Parkinson T L. Individual and product correlates of evoked set size for consumer package goods[J]. Advances in Consumer Research,1985,12(1):492- 497 <BR>[6] Maddox R N, Grdnhaug K,Homans R E, May F E. Correlates of information and evoked set size for new automo bile purchases in Norway and the U.S.[J]. Advances in Consumer Research,1978,5(1):167- 170 <BR>[7] May F E, Homans R E, Evoked set size and the level of information processing in product comprehension and choice criteria[J]. <A href="www.51lunwen.org">www.51lunwen.org</A>Advances in Consumer Research,1977,4(1):172-175 <BR>[8] Brown J J, Wildt A R. Consideration set measurement[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1992,20(3):235- 243 <BR>[9] Alba J W, Hutchinson J W. Dimensions of consumer expertise[J]. Journal of consumer research,1987,13(4):411- 454 <BR>[10] Park C W, Lessig V P. Familiarity and its impact on consumer decision biases and heuristics[J]. Journal of Consumer Research,1981,8(2):223- 230 <BR>[11] Punj G, Srinivasan N. Influence of expertise and purchase experience on the formation of evoked sets[J]. Advances in Consumer Research,1989,16(1):507- 514 <BR>[12] Johnson M D, Lehmann D R. Consumer experience and consideration sets for brands and product categories[J].Advances in Consumer Research,1997,24(1):295- 300 <BR>[13] 德尔.I.霍金斯, 罗格.J.贝斯特, 肯尼思.A.科尼.消费者行为学[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2000. <BR>[14] 迈克尔.所罗门.消费者行为学[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2003. <BR>[15] Stigler G. The economics of information[J]. Journal of Political Economy,1961,69(3):213- 225 <BR>[16] Roberts J. A grounded model of consideration set size and composition[J]. Advances in Consumer Research,1989,16(1):749- 757 <BR>[17] Gruca T S. Determinants of choice set size: an alternative method for measuring evoked sets[J]. Advances in Consumer Research,1989,16(1):515- 521 <BR>[18] Laurent G, Kapferer J- N. Measuring consumer involvement profiles[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,1985,22(1):41- 53 <BR>[19] 戴维·阿克.创建强势品牌[M].北京: 中国劳动社会保障出版社, 2004