d linguistic features.However, little attention has been paid so far to the abstract translation based upon thecorpus empirical methodology, which makes the feasibility of the present thesis. Withregard to the abstract translation, the present paper is not going to make a comparisonbetween the source text and target text but between the translated text (texts translatedby Chinese) and the nontranslated text (texts written by native speakers) under theframework of Register Theory by corpusbased analysis. The research is trying toaddress the questions as to what extent and in what particular ways the translated textsdiffer from the nontranslated texts and what the possible reasons are and what can bedone to narrow the differences.In the present paper, the differences concerning the linguistic features between thetranslated abstracts and nontranslated ones will be explored and presented. Thelinguistic differences can be explained by the differences in situational characteristics ofthe register. Moreover, why is the translated English abstract different from thenontranslated one? What are the differences between them specifically? How can thetranslated abstract be improved to be nativelike? What could be the abstract translationsuggestions? All the questions are to be solved based on the corpus empirical methodwithin the framework of Register Theory in the paper.
1.1 Theoretical background of the study
The Register Theory is the theoretical framework of the present research paper. Theterm "Register" is firstly put forward by Reid in 1956. Register,as is contended byHalliday, refers to “the fact that the language we speak and write varies according to thetype of situation" (1978: 32). He regards register in the following way:Types of linguistic situation differ from one another, broadly speaking, in threerespects: first, as regards what actually is taking place; secondly, as regards what partthe language is playing; and thirdly, as regards who is taking part. These three variables,taken together, determine the range within which meanings are selected and the formswhich are used for their expression. In other words, they determine the “register”. Whilespeaking of register, the notion of language variety should be the one we pay&nb