

日期:2024年08月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:107
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202408211049275158 论文字数:56966 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Task

Based on her close attention to social events and understanding of social hot topics,and as a woman about to graduate and enter the workplace,the translator became veryinterested in this book after reading its introduction.The book takes the Internet celebrityindustry,which has attracted a lot of attention and discussion nowadays,as the background,analyzing layer by layer the absurdity of many workplace rules,which are considered as“What exists is rational”.

The reason why the translator finally chose this book was one of the book’s reviews:“While it’s easy for an outsider to spot clear abuse of power,lack of boundaries,andcult-like mentalities,as we see with Harper,it is harder to escape when you are so deep init...I really appreciated Noelle’s decision to include deeper themes around the pitfalls ofsocial media,friendship,hustle culture,micro-aggressions,superficial diversity in theworkplace,etc....”.The translator was curious how the author incorporated these deepertopics into the storyline.After having a general reading,the translator not only learnedabout the world in which those Internet celebrities live,but also found much resonance inthe development of the storyline,and learned about the problems that might beencountered in the workplace from the perspective of a newcomer.The translator believesthat this book can be an inspiration for readers who are about to enter the workplace,whoare at a low point in their life stages,or who are confused or even directionless about theirfuture,and hopes to help them get rid of their anxiety and self-denial,and to make themrealize that it is never too late to make a change.


1.2 Introduction to Under the Influence

The novel was published in August 2023 as the debut novel of Noelle Crooks,anAmerican female author.The story follows the protagonist,Harper Cruz,who graduatedfrom a prestigious school and entered the New York publishing industry for a while beforeeventually going bankrupt,desperate for a job with a steady income.By chance,she joinsthe team of a little-known Internet celebrity,Charlotte Green,where she is paid three timesmore than in her old job.Despite the high intensity and fast pace of the work,Harper isquickly drawn to the“never-before-seen world”and develops a love for what she is doing.But as she gradually adapts to the job and integrates herself into the famous Internetcelebrity’s work circle,she has discovered that a lot of things aren’t as good as she thinksthey would be,and the deeper she goes into the Internet celebrity circle,the more sherealizes that there’s a price to pay for having what she hopes to get.

Before taking on this new identity as a writer,author Noelle Crooks worked atSephora and Dolce Vita,and was the brand director at The Hollis Company.These workexperiences provided her with plenty of prototypes and a steady stream of inspiration forthis novel.Being at the center of the fashion industry,no one knows more about what goeson behind the scenes of a successful brand than Noelle.It’s easy to see that the charactersshe portrays are small,fleshed-out microcosms of each of us in our workplace lives.

Chapter Two Translation Process

2.1 Preparations

Pre-translation preparation is a foundational step in developing ideas for translation.The translator made the following preparations for this translation practice:

The first step is to discuss the feasibility of selecting a topic for the translationmaterial with the tutor and to conduct practical research on the material once it is selected.The translator discussed the direction and theme of the topic with the tutor,and afterdetermining that the material was feasible,the translator did a general reading of the novelto understand its text type,the story it tells,its theme,and its meaning.After this,thetranslator researched the author’s information,what kind of field she specialized in