

日期:2021年11月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1127
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111062236362326 论文字数:43666 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
nbsp; beliefs  and improving English teaching quality.

Table 3-1 Distribution of Questionnaire

Table 3-1 Distribution of Questionnaire


Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Language Learning Beliefs

Different  scholars  will  hold  different  definitions  of  language  learning  beliefs because  they  might  have  various  understanding  of  language  learning  beliefs  from different  perspectives.  The  researches  about  language  learning  beliefs  can  be  traced back to 1980s.

Horwitz (1987) defines language learning beliefs as “language learners’ thoughts and opinions on some issues referring to the foreign and second language learning”. This  definition  is  the  most  widely  accepted  definition  in  the  field  of  the  research  of learning beliefs.

Wenden  (1999)  regards  language  learning  beliefs  are  a  part  of  meta-cognitive knowledge.  And  the  meta-cognitive  knowledge  is  the  specialized  portion  of  a learner’s  acquired  knowledge  base,  which  comprises  of  what  learners  know  about language  learning,  the  nature  of  the  task,  how  best  to  approach  it,  and  the  personal factors  that  might  hinder  or  facilitate  the  learning  process.  This  definition  has  been adopted by some educators and done its contribution to the relevant researches.

Saiku  and  Gaies  (1999)  see  that  in  the  field  of  cognitive  psychology  and linguistics,  language  learning  beliefs  are  a  part  of  meta-cognitive  knowledge  and  a part  of  self-knowledge,  which  includes  the  individual’s  understanding  of  their learner’s  identity,  as  well  as  their  learning  goals  and  the  understanding  of  learning needs. This definition is partly different from other definitions because meta-cognition is included.

Table 3-2 Distribution of the Items

Table 3-2 Distribution of the Items


2.2 Classification of Language Learning Beliefs

A number of scholars at home and abroad have classified the language learning beliefs in different perspectives. Here are some representative classifications. 

Flavell  (1979)  puts  forward  that  language  learning  beliefs  are  the meta-cognitive knowledge, which can be divided into three categories: (1) knowledge (knowledge  of  personal  variables),  (2)  task  knowledge  (task  variables)  and  (3) strategic  knowledge  (strategic  variables).  It  is  obvious  that  Flavell  classifies  the language learning beliefs from the angle of cognitive psychology.

Horwitz  (1988)  divides  the  language  learning  beliefs  into  five  dimensions:  (1) the  difficulty  of  language  learning,  (2)  foreign  language  aptitude,  (3)  the  nature  of language learning, (4) learning and communication strategies, and (5) motivations and expectations.  In  addition,  Horwitz  has  also  developed  a  questionnaire  instrument called BALLI to investigate students’ language learning beliefs. Horwitz classifies the language  learning  beliefs  from  the&nbs