

日期:2018年06月08日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4183
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201410261717514168 论文字数:39084 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Research on autonomous language learning has achieved great progress in the pastthree decades. Holec(1981)defined autonomous learning as the ability to govern one’sown learning process. Self-access center, as a new object which is closely related withautonomous language learning, obtains much attention of many scholars at home andabroad. Early studies of the SAC focus on the description of its functions,characteristics and the possible proposals of how to establish a valid SAC. Withincreasing number of the SAC built these years, scholars begin to pay more attention toempirical research on this area. Davies investigates the use of the SAC by learners froman English program with questionnaires, interview, observation and collection oflearning records. The results show that learners believe that the SAC is a great help inlanguage learning (Zhang Ping, 2009). Stevens conducts an investigation on learners’attitude towards language learning in the SAC. His study reveals that most of thelearners hold a positive attitude to language learning in the SAC (Xu Haibo, 2005).Wang Yankun and Cui Weili (2013) investigate the effectiveness of English learning inthe SAC and find that it has a positive effect on English learning. For it can suit thedifferent levels of the learning demands of learners and thus widen the ways of languageinput. Zhang Cancan (2013) considers that using the SAC can improve languageproficiency. His empirical research is on the web-based self-access learning center andcollege students’ English proficiency.Liu Ting (2008) makes an investigation with 60 non-English-major freshmen inNanchang University and 60 non-English-major freshmen in Jiangxi Science andTechnology Normal University as the subjects of the control group. His study uses bothquantitative analysis method and qualitative analysis method, including thequestionnaire, reading comprehension pretest, post test and interviews. His study showsthat independent learning centre can stimulate learners' autonomous reading ability, soas to improve their reading achievement.Yu Xianli (2006) conducts a theoretical and practical study on the SAC in thecollege students’ English learning effect. The results of the research confirm that theSAC plays a positive role in promoting students' English language learning, especiallybeneficial for their English listening and speaking ability and English communicativeability as well.Therefore, we can safely draw a conclusion from the previous study that the SACreally plays an important role in language learning. As an additional fixed languagelearning site besides the traditional classroom, SAC is worthy of more attention andfurther research. And that is the motivation of the author’s study on the SAC.Since the first version published in 1962, College English Teaching Syllabus hasbeen revised four times afterwards. The main objective of these syllabuses is to make asolid language foundation for the students to read their professional books andperiodicals. In 1999, College English Teaching Syllabus was revised again and itrequired college students to have both strong reading ability and a certain ability oflistening, speaking, writing and translation. In this version, reading ability still holds animportant position in college English teaching. As a result of much more frequentinternational exchanges and cooperation, the need for English listening and speakingability increases. To adapt the trend, College English Curriculum Requirements hasbeen drawn up by Education Ministry of China. Developing