

日期:2018年06月08日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4186
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201410261717514168 论文字数:39084 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
students’ ability to useEnglish in a well-rounded way becomes the above all objective of the college Englishteaching with listening and speaking as the focus. And at the same time, it requires toraise their ability to learn independently and improve their general cultural awareness[35].Comparing the above Syllabus and the Requirements,we can find that the focus ofcollege English teaching has shifted gradually from developing students’ reading abilityto developing students’ listening and speaking ability. To coordinating the collegeEnglish teaching reform, many universities build the SAC to offer students a differentEnglish learning environment. Up to now, researches on the SAC mostly concern aboutthe problems in the management and whether it affects the English teaching.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study

The purpose of the research is to investigate the relationship between Englishlearning anxiety and the use of learning strategies under the environment of the SAC.According to the results of the present study, the author wants to propose some methodsto reduce English learning anxiety of Chinese university students improve the frequencyof using learning strategies in the SAC, enhance the utilization rate of the SAC.Findings of this research in the field of the relationship between English learninganxiety in the SAC and the use of learning strategies in the SAC may contribute tosecond language acquisition both theoretically and practically.Theoretically, firstly, the findings of the research can enrich the theory about therelationship between English learning anxiety and the use of learning strategies in theSAC. Secondly, the research tries to find a new perspective to discuss how to reduceEnglish learning anxiety.Practically, at present, after checking the data from the National Bureau ofStatistics of China, the author finds the newly-published College English CurriculumRequirements require the English teaching focuses on cultivating students’ autonomouslearning ability, it means university students have to be seasoned to student-centeredteaching model from teacher-centered teaching model they have accepted before. Theyneed us to pay more attentions to help them adapt to university and even integrate intothe study and life there as soon as possible.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Studies on Anxiety and Learning Anxiety

The word anxiety comes from Germany vocabulary angst, there is a few booksdiscussing anxiety before 1950, a mass of researches about anxiety and relevant subjectsappears after Freud referred to anxiety in his book Introduction to Psychoanalysis.Many anxiety researchers give definitions to anxiety. Scovel (1978) describedanxiety as a state of worry and a sense of vaguely fear, and Brown thought that anxietyconnected with other emotions, such as unease, self-doubt, apprehension and fear.Through investigating the previous studies, Rollo May(1996) are able to give thedefinition of anxiety that is the apprehension causes by a threat to some value that theindividual thinks essential to his existence as a personality. Merriam Webster gives thedefinition of the term of anxiety as “an abnormal and overwhelming sense ofapprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (such as sweating, tension,and tremble), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubtabout one's capacity to cope with it.” There was not a concordant definition of this wordbecause it has so many different potential causes