pleteness in major urban areas, more so if the work was at a particular location, then it would indeed be easy to improve and complete the dataset. The quality of OSM can be said to be beyond good enough. Through OSM, a user has the ability to develop better quality proxies and procedures that could have a passive sensing feature to broaden its range of applications (Elwood, 2008 ).
Looking at the completeness methodology, it is quite clear that more regions need to be examined in order to achieve more and gain more knowledge on this field. Deeper analyses of statistics have to be done in order to obtain more results and acquire the knowledge that researchers are eager to have (Haklay, 2008). The results of the data completeness and the positional accuracy also have to be combined in order to find a possible correlation. Finally, integration of evaluation of other sets of data has to be carried out in the automated steps to be followed.