2.2 Theoretical Basis
In the process of reading and writing,reading provides comprehensible input forthe continuation,and the output task setting of the continuation also makes demandsfor the effectiveness of reading.In the process of reading and writing,an alignmenteffect is created through the interaction between input and output texts,and betweenthe person and the text,which leads to a learning promotion effect.Therefore,themain theoretical foundations involved in this study are the input-output hypothesisand the alignment effect.
2.2.1 Input Hypothesis
In 1982,Stephen Krashen proposed the Input Hypothesis,also known as theMonitoring Model,which consists of five hypotheses,namely the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis,the Natural Order Hypothesis,the MonitoringHypothesis,the Affective Filter Hypothesis,and the Input Hypothesis.The main ideaof the input hypothesis is that language acquisition can only occur when learners aregiven comprehensible input and they are able to understand the meaning orinformation rather than the form of the sentence(Krashen,1985).It emphasizes thatcomprehensible input is the primary condition for language acquisition.
Assuming that the learner is providing comprehensible input,when it passesthrough the affective filter,it will trigger the opening of the language acquisitionapparatus and the learner will be better able to acquire the language.Thus,meaningful words can help learners understand and thus facilitate learning.Incontrast,if learners focus only on the form of the language,they are only learning,not acquiring the language(Krashen,1982).
Chapter Three Research Design........................31
3.1 Research Questions....................................31
3.2 Research Participants.........................31
3.3 Research Methods..............................32
Chapter Four Results and Discussion.............................53
4.1 Results of the Experiments and Discussion........................53
4.1.1 Results of the Experiment...............................53
4.1.2 Discussion of the Experiment..............................62
Chapter Five Conclusion..........................72
5.1 Major Findings.............................72
5.2 Implications....................................75
5.3 Limitations...................................76
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Results of the Experiments and Discussion
In this experiment,the pre-test and post-test were used to detect changes instudents'writing levels af