

日期:2021年11月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:948
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111142125159201 论文字数:38855 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background to the Translation Project

Our country is abundant in unconventional oil and gas resources, but there aremany major environmental challenges in its development process. For example,hydraulic fracturing is one of the most important technologies in the process ofunconventional oil and gas development in China. However, the water used in thisprocess is added with a large amount of chemicals, which may lead to the pollution ofsurface water or groundwater resources and endanger the health of the drillers and thesurrounding residents. Therefore, it is of great significance to learn the water safetymanagement experience in the field of exploration and development ofunconventional oil and gas in other countries.

This report is guided by Eugene A. Nida’ s Functional Equivalence Theory. Thesource text is selected from the Regulating Water Security in Unconventional Oil andGas written by Regina M.Buono, Elena Lopez Gunn, Jennifer McKay, and others.This book introduces water security management around the world in thedevelopment of unconventional oil and gas resources. This translation report is basedon the translation practice of Chapter two and three, which mainly introduces thewater-energy nexus, the extraction of unconventional oil and gas and the human rightto water.


1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Translation Project

With the development of society, the exchange of scientific researchachievements in the world is becoming closer. The translation of scientific English isalso an important way of communication. With its own language and style features,scientific English is quite distinct from literary English, so the translator shouldconform to the original semantics and cultural characteristics in the translation. Inaddition, as a student of English translation in technical college, the author should focus on others fields while studying the language. By this way, the translator couldgradually specialize in the translation of a certain field and lay the foundation forfuture career.

To sum up, the purpose of this project is how to accurately translate petroleumtexts. Through this translation project, the author wants to offer some translationtechniques about petroleum texts and provide references for the translators whotranslate this type of text in the future.


Chapter 2 Description of Translation Process

2.1 Pre-translation

As a basic stage in the whole translation process, pre-translation is essential forimproving the quality of translation. Making full preparation before translation showsa high level of responsibility of translator and will reduce the errors of translation.Therefore, it is necessary to make full preparation for translators. Pre-translationincludes selecting the translation theory, analyzing the parallel text and preparing thetranslation tools in this report.

2.1.1 Selecting the Translation Theory

Before the translation, the author read several translation theories, such asVermeer’s Skopos Theory, Catford’s Translation Shift Theory, as well as Nida’sFunctional Equivalence Theory. Through comparing and analyzing, the author thinksthat Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory can be applied to the translation ofpetroleum texts. Then, the author gives an overview of Functional Equivalence theory.

The “functional equivalence” theory was put forward by Eugene A. Nida. He hasthe very deep attainments in translation theory and has achieved fruitful researchresults. He first put forward and distinguished the concepts of “formal equivalence”and “dynamic equivalence” in the book Towards a Science of Translating in 1964. “Aformal equivalence translation is basically source-oriented; that is, it is designed toreveal as much as possible of the form and content of the original message” (