

日期:2021年11月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:948
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111142125159201 论文字数:38855 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
nceTheory, which focuses on transmission of accurate information. Besides, looking theword “carbonate” out of context, it generally means “碳酸盐”, which is familiar toour English learners. However, it should be translated as “碳酸盐岩” in this case,which refers to a class of sedimentary rocks composed primarily of carbonateminerals according to Wikipedia. From the perspective of sentence structure, it’s hardfor the author to understand the word “sources”, so it was ignored in the firsttranslation. In the process of rectify, the author found that it should be connected with“conventional”, which refers to the extraction of conventional natural gas resources.

List of Terms

List of Terms ..............................

Chapter 4 Conclusion

4.1 Major Findings and Gains

Firstly, in the process of translation, the author finds that Nida’ s FunctionalEquivalence Theory could guide the translation of petroleum texts by analyzing thetypical cases. Secondly, the author has a deep understanding of FunctionalEquivalence Theory and could combine the practice with the theory.

Thirdly, the author learns a lot of professional terms about petroleum, which willbe useful for the author to translate petroleum texts in the future. In addition, theauthor improves the translation practice ability, which will be of great benefit to futurestudy and work.

Although the author has gained a lot, there is still room for improvement in bothtarget text and this translation report. Firstly, due to the lack of petroleum knowledgeand the limitation of the author’s translation ability, the quality of the target textcannot be guaranteed to reach the best. In addition, case analysis may not be specificand comprehensive enough. On the one hand, due to space constraints, much of casescannot be presented in this report. On the other hand, the author’s understanding ofFunctional Equivalence Theory may not be profound enough to completely use thetranslation theory to guide the practice.
