

日期:2021年11月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:948
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111142125159201 论文字数:38855 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Nida,2004: 165). Nida believes there is no absolute symmetry between languages, soformal equivalence translation is very rare in translation practice. He puts moreemphasis on the term “dynamic equivalence”, which refers to “the closest naturalequivalent to the source-language message” (Nida, 2004: 166).


2.2 While-translation

While-translation is the most important stage in the whole translation process.After the full preparations are made, the author starts to translate according totranslation plan. It takes about 15 days to finish the first draft. Then the authorconsults related information and postgraduate students majoring in petroleum toconstantly improve the quality of the target text. Understanding the source text andsolving difficulties in translation are two aspects in the stage of while-translation.

2.2.1 Understanding the Source Text

The source text belongs to the category of scientific text, which is an importantcategory in English translation, and is of great significance in Chinese and foreignscientific exploration, theoretical research and practical application. Scientific Englishhas the features of many terms, long and difficult sentences, and rigorous logic, whichrequires more efforts for translators.

Chapter two presents the significance of the water-energy nexus in the process ofhydraulic fracture. Chapter three mentions potential water issues in the extraction ofunconventional oil and gas resources, and further elaborates the relation betweenhydraulic fracture and the human right to water. These two chapters are the basis of the book. Therefore, the author chooses Chapter two and three as the translationproject, hoping this report could provide references for others.

Fig. 2.1 Schematic of the water-energy nexus and the interconnected parameters

Fig. 2.1 Schematic of the water-energy nexus and the interconnected parameters


Chapter 3 Case Analysis of Translation............................... 8

3.1 Lexical Level............................................8

3.1.1 Terminology........................................8

3.1.2 Word Conversion..........................................11

Chapter 4 Conclusion....................19

4.1 Major Findings and Gains......................... 19

4.2 Limitations and Suggestions..................................... 19

Chapter 3 Case Analysis of Translation

3.1 Lexical Level

As the basic component of a language, vocabulary should be given moreattention in the process of translation. The author analyzes its meaning according tospecific context and chooses an accurate expression under the guidance of Nida’sFunctional Equivalence Theory.

3.1.1 Terminology

Terminology plays an important role in the scientific translation. The accurateunderstanding of these terms determines the quality of translation. Therefore, theauthor tries to accurately translate the meaning of the terms to convey the originalinformation.

Example 1

Source text: Unconventional natural gas resources, such as coal bed methane, tightgas and shale gas are termed ‘unconventional’ minerals because the porosity,permeability, fluid trapping mechanism, or other characteristics of the strata fromwhich the gas is extracted differ greatly from conventional sandstone, siltstone andcarbonate (limestone) sources.

Target text: 非常规天然气资源(例如煤层气、致密气和页岩气)被称为“非常规”矿物,因为在孔隙度、渗透率、渗流机理等方面,用于非常规天然气开采的地层与用于常规天然气开采的砂岩、粉砂岩和碳酸盐岩(石灰岩)存在很大不同。

Analysis: It can been seen that there are a great number of terms in this sentence. Allof them are related to petroleum, which requires more efforts for the author totranslate it accurately. One of the difficulties is the translation of “fluid trappingmechanism”. Due to the lack of petroleum knowledge, the author translated it as “截流机理” in the first translation. However, when searching this Chinese phrase on theinternet, the author found that “截流机理” can not been used in petroleum field. Aftersearching in CNKI and consulting professional person, “fluid trapping mechanism”was finally translated as “ 渗流 机 理 ” according to Nida’s Functional Equivale