

日期:2021年11月04日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1177
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202110201307356597 论文字数:76566 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Description of Translation Project

1.1 Introduction to the Translation Project

As is known to all, PetroChina Co., Ltd. (PetroChina for short) is the largest oiland gas producer and distributor in China's oil and gas industry. It is not only one ofthe companies with the largest sales revenue in China, but also one of the largest oilcompanies in the world. With the improvement of China’s international status and itsrising overall national strength, China now has frequent exchanges with countries allover the world, and there is no exception in the field of oil and gas industry. Thetranslation project entitled Report on Increased Natural Gas Proved Reserves of 38#Sand Formation in Sha2 Gas Reservoir of Block Jiao62, Bajiaochang (BJC) Gasfield,was declared by the Petro Company Limited and complied by the PetroChinaSouthwest Oil & Gasfield Company in June, 2018 and it is mainly about declaring theoil and gas proved reserves in Yanting County, Mianyang City.

The report totally has around 45,000 Chinese characters, including all the tablesand figures. It is written in Chinese. The PetroChina Southwest Oil & GasfieldCompany wants to have the Chinese report translated into English because quite afew foreign engineers participate in the declaration work. In this report, the geologicalreserve and technical recoverable reserves are confirmed through studying thegasfield geological characteristics, confirming the calculation method of geologicalreserves and so on. Therefore, the Chinese report has to be translated in English sothat it is easy for the foreign engineers participating in the project to further verify thecalculation result and further facilitate the successful follow-up exploitation of oil andgas in the declaration area.


1.2 Requirements for the Translation

Since the translation of the report is crucial to the follow-up exploitation work,the first and foremost requirement for the translation is to accurately convey themeaning of the original without any information missed. For example, the precisetranslation of calculation method of geological reserves in Chapter three directlyaffects the determination of the technical recoverable reserves and economicallyrecoverable reserves in the following chapters.

coverable reserves in the following chapters.Secondly, the style of the translation should be consistent with the original text.Since the report is about oil and gas proved reserves, mainly focusing on conveyinginformation and presenting facts, it should be categorized as the informative text.Consequently, the translation should maintain the subjectivity of the original textwithout any personal emotion and the translation should be concise without anyredundancy.

Thirdly, the format of the target text should be correspondent with that of theoriginal. For example, the bold front and the italicized words or sentences should bemaintained. Besides, there are many tables and figures in the original text. To conveythe information accurately, no tables or figures shall be wrongly translated.

Lastly, the client demands that the translation shall be submitted within one weekupon the reception of the translation project to ensure the following construction workto go on as scheduled.


Chapter Two Description of Translation Process

2.1 Preparations for Translation

To make the whole translation process smooth, it is necessary for the translator todo some preparation work before translation. First of all, the translator must have ananalysis of the original text so as to understand the general meaning of the original.Then, on this basis, looking for reference of parallel texts will be beneficial for furtherunderstanding of the original because it contributes to the translator’s backgroundinformation accumulation. Lastly, the translation report wi