

日期:2018年01月24日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1252
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708151906248307 论文字数:38596 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
;idioms,  culture-loaded  words,  and  abbreviations.  The author makes use of the network models of the CIT to analyze the translation process of them aiming to find out which network model should be used to analyze a certain kind  of  language  phenomenon.  Under  the  guidance  of  the  network  model,  an appropriate translation strategy should be adopted in order to achieve the conversion of the surface layer between the languages while keep the mental packets unchanged. As for the syntactic and textual level, the author makes use of the network models of the  CIT  to  analyze  the  translation  process  that  how  to  deal  with  the  differences  in sentence patterns and textual organization structures between English and Chinese. 

Chapter Two Literature Review 

This  chapter  gives  a  general  review  of  the  development  and  the  application  of the  CIT  both  at  home  and  abroad.  In  addition,  the  previous  studies  on  the  GWR translation will also be reviewed. 

2.1 Foreign Studies on Conceptual Integration Theory (CIT) 
The CIT is also called the Blending Theory, which is put forward by Fauconnier. The studies of the CIT originate from abroad. And the foreign studies on the CIT lay a  solid  foundation  to  the  domestic  studies.  This  part  introduces  the  development  of the CIT and its applications to translation. The book Metaphors We Live By lauded as the marking beginning of cognitive linguistics,  and  it  gives  rise  to  the  linguistic  revolution  both  in  cognition  and methodology.  The  appearance  of  cognitive  linguistics  laid  a  solid  foundation  to  the CIT. Five  years  after  the  publication  of  the  book,  Fauconnier  (1985)  proposed “mental space” starting to explore the cognition behind language. Then he published many books to enrich the theory, such as Blending as Central Process of Grammars (1996),  Mapping  in  Thought  and  Language  (1997),  Principles  of  Conceptual Integration  (1996),  Conceptual  Integration  Networks  (1998),  Metaphor,  Metonymy, and  Blending  (2000),  and  he  also  coauthored  a  book  called  The  Way  We  Think: Conceptual Blending and The Mind’s Hidden Complexities( 2002) with Mark Turner. He and his colleagues found and developed the CIT ( Wang Zhengyuan,2006).   

2.2 Domestic Studies on CIT 
Zhu  Min  and  Xi  Jianguo  (2011)  have  reviewed  the  domestic  studies  about  the CIT from 2000 to 2010. According to their study, it was only at the beginning of this century that domestic scholars began to research on the CIT. The studies of the CIT can  be  divided  into  two  parts:  one  is  the  study  of  the  theory  itself;  the  other  is  the application of the CIT.Domestic studies on the CIT are based on the relevant studies abroad. Most of them  are  the  introduction  to  the  theory  abroad  or  just  give  a  general  review  of  its development. There  are &n