

日期:2018年01月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1420
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201709072223515715 论文字数:37845 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research background
In this part, the author will introduce the event of commercial exhibition, and thecharacteristics of commercial exhibition report. Then, according to the the goal of thecommercial exhibition and characteristics of commercial exhibition report, the authorleads to the commercial exhibition report translation.Commercial exhibition, also known as business exhibition, is different from theordinary exhibition; it always connects with business purpose. Therefore, beforetranslating the commercial exhibition materials, a specific aim---doing business, must bekept in mind.Commercial exhibition report has all the characteristics of business English, but italso has its own uniqueness. The translation of commercial exhibition report is not only alanguage conversion process, but also mutual understanding and communication underall aspects of business environment. It is a process of developing international exchangeand cooperation. Combined with the translation practice of commercial exhibition report,the author sums up the following features of commercial exhibition report in three levels:(1) Lexical level. Commercial exhibition report has all the characteristics ofbusiness English, thus in the commercial exhibition report, it involves all kinds ofbusiness proper nouns. For example: delegate the workload; business sense; profitmargin; pay off mortgage; delivery date; slack season, etc. Therefore, translators who donot have certain professional knowledge cannot understand the connotation of theprofessional business English vocabulary and cannot translate well.(2) Syntactic Level. The statement of commercial exhibition report is concise.Characteristic of the business activities determines the translation of commercialexhibition report pay more attention to the accuracy and timeliness than other discoursetranslation. Therefore, express the contents simply and grasp the discretion properly arevery important. When the author translating the commercial exhibition report, Englishsentence is more formal, and uses more long and difficult sentences, pays attention toeuphemism, and makes good use of passive sentences.

1.2 Significance of the study
With the development of the economy, transnational cooperation is the irrevocabletrend. Therefore, it stimulates the development of commercial exhibition. The success of2010 Shanghai Expo has demonstrated this. China has paid more and more attention onthe commercial exhibition. Recently, participants of the commercial exhibition are fromall over the world, and unimpeded cross-cultural communication is the foundation forensuring the quality and efficiency of the commercial exhibition. China has witnessed askyrocketing development in international conference and exhibition industry in recentyears, internationalization and standardization of these conferences and exhibitions arenecessary for better development of this industry. The commerce exhibition report is the text made to investigate, evaluate and summarize some specific activities during or afterthe conference or exhibition. The report could not only benefit the organizers in drawinglessons from the past and improving future operation capacity, but also provideinformation for future organizers and potential participants. Therefore, the translation ofthe commercial exhibition report is more and more important.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical framework
Translation as adaption and selection put forward by Professor Hu Gengshen, thetheory is centered on the translators, is a systematic translation theory. Based on Darwin’sphilosophy natural selection and survival of the fittest, Hu (2008),a professor in TsinghuaUniversity, has developed an eco-translation theory, that is, translation = adaption+selection.Professor Hu has published a book An Approach to Translation as adaptation andselection in 2004. In this book, Professor Hu argues that the translation activities need todivide into two s