

日期:2018年05月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1929
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201601251112387902 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



Choosing this book as my source text is largely due to my personal interest. I used tobe an English teacher,and I have always wondered how English is taught inEnglish-speaking countries. Teaching English in China is usually exam-oriented. Teachershave poured more effort to improve vocabulary and reading comprehension instead ofcommunication such as speaking, writing and listening. The teaching pattern finally leadsto inability in English communication of numerous students who have actually learnedEnglish for a long time. On the contrary, the western English teaching focuses more oncommunication functioning and has developed an organized system of scientific, intriguingand effective teaching strategies. By translating and introducing these strategies,I wish topromote my teaching and offer a little help to fiiture development of China's Englishteaching.Another reason I selected the text is attributed to its informative and vocativelanguage style. As its demanding translation requirement of fidelity,objectivity andreadability, it's a huge challenge to deliver the original information while maintaining thetranslation accessible and enjoyable for Chinese readers. Therefore,I'm convinced that it'snecessary to examine and master all the relevant strategies of this type of text.Additionally,Fm more awkward in E-C than C-E translation since I always strugglein understanding the English text and finding the most appropriate words and phrases toconvey the original text with faithfulness, expressiveness and fluentness. By translatingand exploring this English guidebook, I wish to further improve my translation and thusbenefit my future career.
In this report,I translated the fourth chapter of the English as a Second Language-Guide to Implementation for Kindergarten to Grade 9, namely the Section 1 "Identifyingthe Literacy/Language Levels of Individual Students,,and Section 4 "Lesson and ActivityIdeas". In general,chapter one serves as an introduction to the whole report. Chapter twointroduces the source text and analyzes its own features and sentence structures. Chapterthree defines the translation difficulties and guiding translation theories. Chapter fourstudies the E-C translation strategies and posts case analysis regarding specific translatingskills. The last chapter concludes all the translation practice and points out the difficultiesto be overcome in the future.


2.1Source Text Background
The English as a Second Language Guide to Implementation for Kindergarten toGrade 9 (hereinafter referred to as ESL Guide) was compiled and published in 2007 byEducation Ministry of Alberta, a northwest province of Canada. Its main readers are set tobe teachers and school administrators. It serves as a government official guidebook toprovide: “ a) an understanding of who ESL students are and basic information aboutsecond language acquisition; b) suggestions for the reception,placement and orientation ofelementary and junior high school ESL students; c) information and sample strategies forestablishing ESL programming and creating a successfiil ESL learning environment; d)effective instructional strategies,lessons and activities specific to ESL students withvarying levels of language proficiency; e) suggestions for the assessment and evaluation ofstudent learning and progress,,(Chapter 1,p.2 ). The whole book consists of 6 chapters andthis report mainly studies two sections of Chapter 4. They are Section 1: "Identifying theLiteracy/Language Levels of Individual Students" and Section 4; "Lesson and ActivityIdeas".