

日期:2018年05月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1930
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201601251112387902 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Among them,Section 1 aims to illustrate four developmental levels of studentsspanning "Pre-beginner", “Beginner”,"Intermediate" and "Advanced" in order thatteachers can structure instructional programs at those levels. Section 4 suggests specificlesson and activity programs in correspondence to those four language levels.

2.2 Text Type and Features
The ESL Guide is a publicity-oriented official guidebook. As Peter Newmarkconcludes in^ Textbook of Translation, there are six functions of language, i.e. three mainfunctions of the expressive,the informative and the vocative together with three other onesof the aesthetic,the phatic and the metalingual (1987,pp. 39-45). The subject materialstudied in this report is the combination of informative and vocative types. It boasts aninstruction guidebook of being formal and accurate,dedicated to offering objective,authentic and comprehensive information on ESL teaching. Moreover, it owns the appealing function of calling upon targeted teachers and school administrators to followthe given principles and strategies. On top of this,the material features teaching-relatedterms such as knowledge framework, graphic organizers,letter sorts,sight-wordvocabulary and so on. They are coupled with unfamiliar industrial background and simplesentences without context, making the comprehension and translation harder.

Chapter Three PROCESS DESCRIPTION.........10 
3.1 Translation Difficulties.........10 
3.1.1 Comprehension of the Source Text.........13 
3.1.2 Language Style.........13
3.2 Guiding Translation Theories.........15
3.2.1 Text Typology.........20
3.2.2 Communicative Translation.........22 
Chapter Four CASE ANALYSIS.........24
4.1 Strategies for Coping with Comprehension Difficulties.........26
4.2 Strategies for Coping with the Language Style.........29


4.1 Strategies for Coping with Comprehension Difficulties
Translation is no more than comprehension and expression, yet comprehension isalways the first and foremost step. When I translate this guidebook, comprehensionconstitutes the biggest barrier and toughest job for me,since Fm struggled in identifyingthe exact meaning of the original text Actually, there are many reasons that result in mycomprehension trouble. First of all,the comprehension in translating process has specifictarget that requires the translator to faithfully convey the meaning of the original text whilemaintaining its genre and language type. It means that I’m obliged to digest the original asmeticulously as possible,not only in light of its social, historic and cultural background butalso in terms of the lowest unit such as color, voice, order of word, extended meaning,complicated grammar and so on. Furthermore, comprehension in translation demands abilingual thinking pattern, which means the translator needs to ponder upon both sourceand targeted language. From these perspectives,repetitive reading and carefiil analysis arefundamental for comprehending the text.


This report is based on the translation practice of the English as a Second Language—一Guide to Implementation for Kindergarten to Grade 9,an educational publ