

日期:2018年08月25日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1409
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201502122106302570 论文字数:54110 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter 1 Introduction介绍
从1938年到1944年对桂林英美诗歌的汉译进行研究具有重要意义。首先,本研究可以帮助我们全面了解1938年至1944年桂林英美诗歌的中译本情况,特别是帮助我们清楚地理解译者如何在如此艰难的条件下翻译这些诗歌。其次,本研究可以为英美诗歌的现代汉译提供新材料。第三,这项研究可以丰富抗战时期桂林文化研究的宝库。第四,这项研究可以帮助我们进一步理解英美诗歌在中国历史上所发挥的内在关系。最后,本研究可以扩大20世纪上半叶中英诗歌在中国的翻译成就。世纪。本文采用的Mefliods简称为:首先,采用数据采集方式直接收集,理解和掌握第一手文学资料,对战时桂林翻译的英美诗歌进行关注分析。其次,采用描述性的方法来描述和分析英美诗歌中英文翻译的特点和翻译策略。桂林从不同角度出发,以科学,准确的方式来研究其内在和客观的规律性。最后但并非最不重要的比较方法用于比较所选英国和美国诗歌的不同版本。还试图找出他们的差异,以便为我们提供一些具体的例子来寻找有针对性的策略并获得科学和客观的结论。由于战时桂林的英美诗歌翻译具有重要意义,值得我们研究,因此本文将对战时桂林的英国和阿拉姆诗歌的翻译进行描述。然后将通过分析一些代表性版本来讨论共同特征和翻译策略。第三,本文将论证英美诗歌中译本的价值,以期对其对当代翻译文学和出版业的贡献,进一步丰富中国文学的文化价值。将所收集的资料与数据相结合,论文可以不遗余力地解决研究问题,如如何收集数据,选择源文本和目标文献,如何分析战时桂林所选英美诗歌的特点和主题,以进一步提高其翻译技巧和作用。策略和解决如何提取其价值和影响的问题,以提供对中国翻译研究的良好参考。Study of the Chinese translation of the British and American poetry in Guilin from1938 to 1944 is of great significance. First of all,this study may help us understand theChinese translation condition of the British and American poetry in Guilin from 1938 to1944 in a comprehensive way, especially in helping us get a clear comprehension of howthe translators translated these poems in such a tough condition. Secondly, ttiis study mayprovide new materials to the modem Chinese translation of the British and Americanpoetry. Thirdly, this study may enrich the treasury of the cultural studies in Guilin duringthe anti-Japanese War. Fourthly,this study may help us further understand the inherentrelationship that the translated British and American poetry played in the Chinese history.Finally, this study may enlarge the Chinese translation achievements of the British andAmerican poetry in China in the first half of the 20 century. Mefliods adopted in this thesis are briefly described as follows:Firstly,data collection is adopted to directly collect,understand and master thefirst-hand literary materials to conduct a carefUl analysis of the translated British andAmerican poetry of the wartime Guilin.Secondly, descriptive method is adopted to describe and analyze the features andtranslating strategies of the Chinese translation of the British and American poetry inwartime .Guilin from different aspects for the purpose of scientifically and accurately-grasping Its intrinsic and objective regularity.The last but not the least, comparative method is used to compare different versionsof the selected British and American poetry. Attempts are also made to find out theirdifferences so as to provide us some specific examples to look for targeted strategies andobtain the scientific and objective conclusions. Since the Chinese translation of British and American poems in wartime Guilin is ofgreat significance and worth our study,this thesis will fostly describe what British andAmerican poems were translated in wartime Guilin. Then discussions will be made todiscover the common features and translating strategies through analyzing somerepresentative versions. Thirdly, this thesis will prove into the value of the Chinesetranslation of the British and American poetry so as to find out its contribution to thecontemporary translated literature and publishing industry and further enrich the culturaltreasures of Chinese literature.Combining the collected materials and data, this thesis might spare no effort to solvethe research questions such as how to collect data and select the source texts and targettexts, how to analyze the features and themes of the selected British and American poetryin the wartime Guilin so as to farther generate its translating skills and strategies andsolve the problem concerning how to extract its value and influence to provide a goodreference to China's translation studies.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Guilin as a Cultural Center in the Wartime
On July 7 1937, the outbreak of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident marked thefull-scale aggression against China of the Japanese imperialists. The whole nation wasbound by a common hatred for the enemy and stood side by side to resist the Japaneseimperialist invaders. In the seco