Abstract:Safety is the core of nursing quality management, security, medical care is the premise of safety. Operating room is a high-risk medical areas, operating room surgical care quality and patient safety is closely related to any negligence, may trigger serious consequences. This paper summarizes the operating room by analyzing the security risks and preventive care measures to help prevent or reduce the potential security risk operating room nursing, to provide a safe surgical environment, protection of surgical patient safety. Achieved through a comprehensive and strict implementation of relevant systems, effective control and reduce operating room nursing security risks for this purpose. To prove that the system functions well, strict working attitude, can effectively reduce nursing errors hidden to protect the safety of surgery patients.
Key words: operating room nursing; security risks; preventive measures
1护理 1
1.1护理的定义 1
1.2护理的基本特征 1
1.2.1了解现象 1
1.2.2应用理论 2
1.2.3采用行动 2
1.2.4评价效果 2
1.3护理的重要性 2
1.4手术室护理 2
2手术前护理安全 3
2.1手术前的一般准备 3
2.1.1适应性锻炼 3
2.1.2饮食的管理 3
2.1.3肠道的处理 4
2.1.4手术前用药 4
2.1.5手术部位的皮肤准备 4
2.2手术前的心理护理 4
2.2.1排除干扰,稳定情绪 5
2.2.2消除恐惧心理,增加手术治疗的信心 5
2.2.3鼓励患者面对现实,激发患者热情 5
2.3进入手术室 6
2.3.1接对患者 6
2.3.2不摔伤患者 6
3手术中护理 7
3.1手术室物品清点 7
3.2注射安全 8
3.2.1检查注射药物 8
3.2.2防止用药错误或药物过敏 8
3.2.3防止输错血 8
3.2.4麻醉护理 9
3.3防止烫伤、灼伤 11
3.3.1无意识烫伤 11
3.3.2机械灼伤 11
3.3.3化学药品灼伤 12
3.3.4消毒液灼伤 12
3.4防止锐器刺伤 12
3.4.1锐器刺伤的原因 12
3.4.2锐器刺伤的防护措施 13
3.4.3针刺伤后的处理 14
4手术后护理 14
4.1污物回收 14
4.2标本处理 15
4.3术后访视 15
5总结 16
6参考文献: 16
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