2.1.1 Norm Activation Theory (NAT)
As far as norm activation theory is concerned, it suggests that the pro-environmental behavior of individuals is highly impacted by personal norms, which are derived from the beliefs and values associated with environmental responsibility (Harland et al., 2007). This theory was proposed by Schwartz (1977), and has identified the drivers which can significantly influence the intentions of individuals toward pro-environmental behaviours and altruistic behaviours (Savari et al., 2023). According to (Oh & Ki, 2022), NAT is a social-psychological theory that explains the pro-social behaviour of individuals and how they are applicable to the expound on these behaviors. This theory has the basic assumptions associated with individual behaviors like purchasing green products and having preliminary knowledge about the green status of the products like green products knowledge. These driving factors have reflected the former presentation in the empirical model of the study and strengthened the designed model with theoretical underpinning support.
2.2 Conceptual Background of Research Variables
2.2.1 Green Product Knowledge
Knowledge refers to the information stored in the memory of consumers, which exerts a notable impact on assessing the consumers' preferences. The efficient knowledge of green products is related to the understanding of the protective function of the environment and the characteristics of green products. With efficient green product knowledge, consumers present a more positive attitude towards green products and become more confident about the reliable role of green products in environmental protection (H. Wang et al., 2019). In this regard, the view of Zhuang et al. (2021) states that possessing environmental knowledge is crucial in promoting sustainable development, as it is directly tied to both environmental impacts and responsibility. The literature suggests that green product knowledge is based on environmental knowledge, as the consumers who possess environmental knowledge have more knowledge about green products. In contemporary times, numerous marketing methods potentially publicize green product knowledge for consumers.
As a consequence of it, the health consciousness and environmental awareness of consumers are enhanced. The viewpoint of X. Wang et al. (2019) agrees with this notion by emphasizing that the green product knowledge of consumers is gradually improving, which results in the increased purchase of green products. In addition, the green product knowledge of consumers can be enhanced by purposeful learning strategies. Sun and Wang (2020) elaborate on this discussion by highlighting that product knowledge is the sum of product category information stored in the consumer's memory; thus, it is the significant determinant of the pro-environmental behavior of the consumer. The more efficient green product knowledge assists the consumers in easily understanding green products.
Chapter 3 Hypotheses Development ........................... 26
3.1 Green Product Knowledge and Green Purchase Behavior ........................ 26
3.2 Green Trust and Green Purchase Behavior ..................................... 28
3.3 Brand Image and Green Purchase Behavior ................................. 31
Chapter 4 Methodology .................................... 38
4.1 Research Design .......................................... 38
4.1.1 Research Design Content ..................... 38
4.1.2 Research Approach ............................ 39
Chapter 5 Results and Analysis ................................... 45
5.1 Demographic Profile and Des