

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201202141743086341 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:696
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201203010934373708 论文字数:20000 所属栏目:农业科技论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



【摘要】 近年来,我国经济飞速发展,然而与经济发展的形势和需要相比,我国农村饮用水的问题一直没有得到比较妥善的解决。作为世界上最缺水的13个国家之一,8.5亿的人口集聚于农村,农村饮用水问题尤为突出。本文以缺水比较严重和水中含氟量较大的陕西省富平县作为研究对象,对制约其经济发展的农村饮用水进行调查,对不同取水模式进行评价分析,并对其保障措施进行研究,旨在寻求切实可行的解决方案,来解决或缓解该县农村饮用水难的问题。得出如下主要结论:(1)综合分析农村饮用水的经济属性和特点,发现农村饮用水与一般资源不同,它具有自然垄断性、收益范围区域性、公共性、正外部性和经营性等经济属性。(2)根据取水模式的概念,总结西部地区常见的5种取水模式特征,发现不同地区会根据其特有的地貌选择适合于该地区发展的经济而实用的取水模式。(3)取水模式评价指标体系的构建是困扰上述问题解决的瓶颈,大量政策文件和文献的梳理发现不同取水模式的水质安全性、水量充足性、取水便利性、水源保障率和取水成本是评价的主要指标。(4)在评价方法上,基于熵权的TOPSIS评价方法具有逻辑简单,数据易于收集,便于计算等的特点,适合于取水模式的评价。(5)解决农村饮用水难的根本问题在于管理体制,为此,构建保障农村饮用水的管理体系至关重要,其具体内容包括农村饮用水的法律管理、行政管理、经济管理、权属管理、安全管理、以及工程管理等六个方面。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy, the rural drinking water problem has never been more appropriate solution compared with the situation and needs of economic development. As one of 13 countries of world’s water shortage, China has 850 million of the population concentrated in rural areas in which the situation of lack water has worsened drastically. The paper chooses Fu-ping County of Shaanxi Province with water shortage and fluoride-rich as the study objective, makes an investigation for rural drinking water which restricts its economic growth, evaluates diversity water intake models, and studies safeguard measures, aims to find practical solutions to resolve or alleviate the county’s drinking water in rural areas hard problems through deeper research. The main conclusions are as follows:(1)Rural drinking water economy attribute and characteristic are comprehensively analyzed. It is found that rural drinking water resource is difference with general resource, which economy attribute have natural monopoly, avails range regional, common, rectifying the outside and managing, and so on.(2)Based on the conception of water intake models, common 5 kinds water intake models are summed up in the western region. It is found that different area choose economic and applied water intake models which are suitable to the economy developing in that area according to whose earth surface.(3)The evaluation index system of water intake models is bottleneck to solve the above-mentioned problem. The arrangement of a amount of policy document and literatures discovers that water quality security , water yield abundance, taking water convenient , the source of water ensures rates and taking water cost are the leading evaluation indicator.(4) The appraising method of TOPSIS based on entropy is suitable to evaluate water intake models whose logic is simple, data is easy to collect, and http://www.51lunwen.org/nykj/2012/0301/lw201203010934373708.html calculation is easy.(5) The difficulty to rural drinking water resolving is the management system. For this purpose, the paper proposes it is very important for rural drinking water to construct the water resources management system, which is including law management, water resources administration management, water resources economic management, water resources ownership management, water resources safety management and water resources project management.

【关键词】 农村饮用水; 取水模式; 保障措施; 评价; 富平县;

【Key words】 rural drinking water; water intake model; safeguards measures; evaluation; Fu-ping County;