

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1894
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw200706302007124665 论文字数:9388 所属栏目:生命环境学论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
摘要 地热是蕴藏在地下的一种地质资源,是继煤、石油之后有广阔发展前景的地质能源。华蓥山位于四川省东部,地处于华蓥山山脉中段西翼,是开发地下热水的即佳场所,可以开发成为温热泉区,辟为旅游观赏或医用疗养地。 重庆南江地热资源勘探开发设计研究院决定在华蓥山开发地下热水,前期的工作即一号井的开发遭到失败,现决定进行二号井的开发,此文就是对二号井开发的分析评价。此文分别从华蓥山的地质,热矿水特征,及其医疗保健经济效益等多方面对二号井的钻探风险进行了总体评价。 关键字:华蓥山,地下热水 Summery Abstract terrestrial heat is to hold in store a kind of geological resource in underground,is to have after coal and petroleum the wide geological energy that develops prospect.Huaying mountain locate in Sichuan province east,land is in Huaying the mountain west wing of mountain range of stage casing,is development undergroud hot water good place,may develop become warm hot spring district,and watch for travel or medical recuperate land. Chongqing south river geothermal resource explore development design research institute decide in the mountain of Huaying development underground hot water,the work of early stage the development of the well No.1 encounter failure,current decision carry out the development of the well No.2,this writing is appraise for the analysis of the well development No.2.This writing part from Huaying the hot mine water feature and geology of mountain,and its economic benefits of Medical Protection wait have carried out overall appraisement in many ways for the drilling risk of the well No.2.Keyword:The mountain of Huaying and underground hot water.