关键词 软件项目;风险管理;风险识别;风险评价;
The software project urgently needs to strengthen the risk management, this mainly displays in following two aspects: firstly, the unceasing improvement of risk management method and the successful application on many typical projects have attracted many project groups to carry on their own risk management. On the one hand, the risk management, taken the risk forecast, the risk recognition, the risk appraisal and the scientific analysis as the foundation, provides the possibility to the administrative personnel utilizing the best combination among the strategies on the risk, and it is one scientific but direct method dealing with the modern management risk; On the other hand, the risk management has overcome the limitation that the method is traditional and only using some sole method handling risk. The risk management comprehensively utilizes each kind of control risk measures, and consummates these methods day by day, so that a growing number of projects self-consciously use the risk management. Secondly, the risk management is the internal request in various project groups. As a result of the rapid development in software technology and the widespread application of software system in various social aspects, thus each kind of risk factors and the risk occurrence have greatly increased, and the loss scale that the risk event created has expanded. All these issues have proposed higher management requests for the project groups, and caused each method of the risk management to be favored.
This dissertation mainly studies on: 1.considering the particularity of software project to revise the risk recognition model, this dissertation mainly considers the uncertainty in defining software project goals, the exploring group team, as well as the low maturity in our country software enterprises, so that the software project risk recognition model has been revised. 2. The improvement of fuzzy synthesis appraisal method. Because of the qualitative and quantitative targets existing in risk target, the uncertainty and fuzziness also existing in the appraisal of the targets, therefore this dissertation is based on the fuzzy synthesis appraisal method, and does improvements on the unsuitable and inconvenient operating parts. After the improvements, the method is more suitable for the software project risk estimate and appraisal, and it is also operational.
Keywords software project; risk management; risk recognition; risk appraisal
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究基础 2
1.3 研究思路与方法 2
1.3.1 研究思路 2
1.3.2 研究方法 2
1.4 研究内容及结构 3
1.5 主要创新点 4
第2章 软件项目管理概述 5
2.1 传统项目管理知识体系 5
2.1.1 基本概念 5
2.1.2 项目管理的特点 6
2.1.3 项目管理的过程 6
2.1.4 项目管理的九大知识领域 7
2.2 软件项目管理的特殊性 10
2.3 软件项目的风险管理 11
2.3.1 软件项目的风险管理 11
2.3.2 软件项目风险管理的重要性 13
2.4 国内外软件项目风险管理的研究现状 14
2.4.1 国内外软件项目风险管理研究概述 14
2.4.2 软件项目风险的研究方法综述 15
2.5 本章小结 16
第3章 软件项目风险管理理论简介 17
3.1 一般风险管理的基础理论 17
3.1.1 风险的定义 17
3.1.2 风险的属性 18
3.1.3 风险的分类 18
3.1.4 广义的风险管理及程序 19
3.1.5 风险管理的发展现状 20
3.2 软件项目的风险管理理论 21
3.3 本章小结 26
第4章 软件项目的风险识别 27
4.1 软件项目风险识别的模型介绍 27
4.1.1 思考法 27
4.1.2 德尔菲法 28
4.1.3 系统分解法 30
4.1.4 故障树分析法 30
4.2 结合软件项目的特殊性对风险识别模型的修正 31
4.2.1 低成熟度软件组织的风险辨识 31
4.2.2 结合软件开发生命周期各阶段存在的风险的识别 35
4.3 结合我国软件项目特殊性的识别模型修正 41
4.3.1 小规模软件企业项目风险识别模型的修正 41
4.4 本章小结 44
第5章 软件项目的风险评价 45
5.1 软件项目风险评价的模型介绍 45
5.1.1 风险定性分析法 45
5.1.2 风险定量分析法 45
5.1.3 风险评价的其他方法 46
5.2 结合风险综合评价函数的模糊综合评价方法 47
5.2.1 模糊综合评价的数学模型