

日期:2022年02月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1143
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202202161503433869 论文字数:46958 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
nbsp; are  essentially  heteroglossic  in  nature,  and  he  named ‘heteroglossia’  for  this  phenomenon.  From  his  eyes,  it  is  utterances  that  construct language instead of sentences to form it. Due to this reason, the linguistic dialogism need to be paid more attention to. This is the initial concept of interdiscursivity. Then, Kristeva (1986), a French post-structuralist critic, coined the term of ‘intertextuality’. From  her  viewpoint,  the  present  text  absorbs  the  past  text  and  is  built  from  it,  then the text responds, re-emphasizes and processes the past text to create a new one from it.  Later,  she  further  mentioned  that  intertextuality  is  the  essential  component  of language  work.  During  text  analysis  processes,  three  components  of  discourse sequences which are the writing subject, the recipient, and the foreign text should be taken  into  consideration.  She  also  pointed  out  that  the  status  of  discourse  can  be defined from horizontal and vertical directions. Horizontal direction means words in the text belong to both the writing subject and the recipient. On the contrary, vertical direction  means  the  words  in  the  text  are  related  to  the  previous  or  synchronic literary  materials.  When  the  two  items  cross,  intertextuality  occurs.  As  we  can  see, Kristeva makes a great contribution in interdiscursivity development. 

2.2 Previous Studies of Speech Act Theory

The speech Act focuses on someone has certain performances when he speaks a sentence.  In  this  section,  the  thesis  retrospects  the  development  and  presents researches of speech acts both at home and abroad. 

2.2.1 Previous Studies of Speech Act Abroad

Studies  of  speech  acts  started  in  the  1930s,  which  is  a  response  to  empirical researches on logic positivism and language meanings. The concept of speech acts is raised by Austin (1962) in his book How to Do Things with Words. As he noticed that not all utterances have proposition about true or false. Some utterances do not state anything and have no feature of true or false. Instead, they perform an action. Given that, he divided utterances into constatives and performatives. The first one is used to state facts and can be distinguished as true or false; while the other is used to perform certain actions and has nothing about true or false. Besides, there are three types of performative:  explicit  performatives,  implicit  performatives,  and  embedded performatives. 

With  the  theory  further  development,  Austin  suggested  any  speech  acts  are combined with three sub-acts, which are locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary.

A) Locutionary act: the act of saying tells or describes some meaningful things;

B) Illocutionary  act:  the  act  of  saying  expresses  one’s  intention,  which  is equipped by force;

C) Perlocutionary act: the result is produced after saying something. 


Chapter Three   Theoretical Framework and Methodology ......... 23

3.1 Bhatia’s Patterns of Discourse Realization ............................. 2

3.2 Wu’s Classification and Mechanism of Interdiscursivity ....... 27

Chapter Four   Methodology ....................... 34

4.1 Research Questions ............................34