2.2 Previous Studies of Speech Act Theory
The speech Act focuses on someone has certain performances when he speaks a sentence. In this section, the thesis retrospects the development and presents researches of speech acts both at home and abroad.
2.2.1 Previous Studies of Speech Act Abroad
Studies of speech acts started in the 1930s, which is a response to empirical researches on logic positivism and language meanings. The concept of speech acts is raised by Austin (1962) in his book How to Do Things with Words. As he noticed that not all utterances have proposition about true or false. Some utterances do not state anything and have no feature of true or false. Instead, they perform an action. Given that, he divided utterances into constatives and performatives. The first one is used to state facts and can be distinguished as true or false; while the other is used to perform certain actions and has nothing about true or false. Besides, there are three types of performative: explicit performatives, implicit performatives, and embedded performatives.
With the theory further development, Austin suggested any speech acts are combined with three sub-acts, which are locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary.
A) Locutionary act: the act of saying tells or describes some meaningful things;
B) Illocutionary act: the act of saying expresses one’s intention, which is equipped by force;
C) Perlocutionary act: the result is produced after saying something.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework and Methodology ......... 23
3.1 Bhatia’s Patterns of Discourse Realization ............................. 2
3.2 Wu’s Classification and Mechanism of Interdiscursivity ....... 27
Chapter Four Methodology ....................... 34
4.1 Research Questions ............................34