1.2 Significance of the Present Study
This thesis has both theoretical and practical significance. For theoretical significance, firstly, it is the theory of interdiscursivity that used in the thesis. Interdiscursivity is a new theory, which derived from intertextuality. However, it overcomes the shortcomings of intertextuality that only studies the surface of texts with little attention about text-external resources and ignores the reasons that people choose certain speech strategies to achieve their communicative purposes. This allows researchers to have better and deeper understanding about how factors such as discourse, business and company culture, and professional goals influence the choice of speech strategies. On the basis of interdiscursivity, it not only includes the targets that intertextuality studies, but also takes professional culture and professional practice into the research considerations. As business world develops, the discourses of business have become more complicate and flexible, and discourses in this field have more or less interdiscursive attributes. Using interdiscursivity as the basic theory to do research can not only study the characteristics of interdiscursivity in the language, but also dig out the way that social and cultural factors affect the speaker’s discourse choice. At the micro level, it conducts in-depth research like intertextuality; at the same time, it allows researchers to study the text at the macro level, rather than subjects that intertextuality studies in the text. With interdiscursivity, one would comprehend the functions of resources appropriation from the level of text, genre, professional culture, professional practice at the same time, and even find out the purpose of special groups. Secondly, speech act is applied in here to gain further analysis, and it can broaden analysis field of speech act. In our daily, people always intend to use speech to achieve certain purposes, because language is power. In this process, language is often used as a speech tool to do things.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies of Interdiscursivity
Interdiscursivity is a communicative strategy and the notion is often mixed with intertextuality’s. In this section, the thesis seeks to find out the differences between the two theories, the development of interdiscursivity and the review of the theory.
2.1.1 Foreign Studies of Interdiscursivity
The history of interdiscursivity can trace back to 1981. Bakhtin (1981) discovered that all texts&