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南亚区域国际贸易逆差决定因素的探讨 (第3页) - 国际贸易 - 无忧论文网



日期:2021年06月18日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:755
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202106041316337584 论文字数:33202 所属栏目:国际贸易论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
out(Table 2) Note that any of these factors are incorporated of request I(1) or I(0) andnobody of the factors is coordinated of request I(2) or overhead, which unmistakablybolster the PCSE estimation system as opposed to other elective co-integrationstrategy (Lv and Xu 2018).Table 2 and table 3 represent the Pearson correlationcoefficient among some variables in the current study. Table 3 expressed the strongpositive correlation of all explanatory variables between the export and other. Theassociation certain independent variables and trade deficits are highly negative. Tolessen Multicollinearity interference to regression results, in subsequent regressionthere is no problem regarding multicollinearity in our certain variables.

Table 1. Unit Root Test Results:

Table 1. Unit Root Test Results:


Chapter 6: Conclusion

Trade is the very important matter of 21st century economy. It had crucial function forthe economic expansion of countries as well as fulfilling the needs of humans. Like manyother regional organizations SAARC is struggling since its inception to improve its economy,remove trade deficits and make itself the regional economic power but due to many tradedeterments its member countries are facing trade deficit. To remove it primarily the membercountries, need to improve its industries, improve the quality of their goods, developinfrastructure, and decrease taxes on exports.

An Outstanding performance of SAARC Countries is having the size of Intra-regionaltrade seems less and the developed nations are substantial due to the dependence. The amountof regional trade is bounded because of the lack of supplement in manufacture and sourcebase and financial problematic immediate profits from trade making within SAARC countriesare not favorite to be positive. Although, buy and sell in the sector is also reserved byfundamental rigidities generated by political clashes. By ignoring such rigidity inside theSAARC countries will start for beneficial intra-regional trade networks. In near future, basicArea planning change can be producing new horizontal and vertical networks to createdynamic profits from integration.
