

日期:2023年05月28日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:469
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202305231404195429 论文字数:35696 所属栏目:管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 Rationale of the Study:


This study has significance for marketers as well as business practitioners as they tend tohave an idea about the impact of brand experience,brand awareness and brand image on thecreation of consumer’s brand loyalty.The core reason of conducting this research is toexplore effect of brand experience,brand awareness and brand image on the brand loyalty.Incontext of previous studies,literature and information it has been noticed that Brand loyaltyis the goal which is achieved through relationship marketing.By honoring commitments,managers tend to focus on customer retention hence making them loyal to the brand ratherthan chasing short term.The noticeable increase in spending capacity of Pakistan middleclass society,the mind sets of consumers have changed in a way that they have exploreddifferent ways to recreational activities.The success of any brand is now largely dependentupon its customer’s loyalty.The customer loyalty of a brand is directly proportional to thelevel of the satisfaction its products provide every time they use it.To be more specific,wesay‘brand loyalty’is a valuable asset to the brand itself.The end users are the consumerswho need to have developed an emotional attraction to the brand.It is even noticed thatpeople who are brand loyal are often less price sensitive because of the unique value theyperceive about the brand which competitors do not provide.

1.2 Problem Statement:

Organizations are busy in building healthy and profitable relations with customers.Nowday’s customers demands and pay more for quality name and reputable brands.Greater thepositioning of brand in customers mind is directly proportional to gain in benefits forcompany.The competition between companies is very high and increasing day by day,it’svery difficult for companies to maintain competitive advantage.There is a continues changein customer needs,which leads the company to high pressure(Abbas,Islam,Hussain,Baqir,&Muhammad,2021).In past different studies were conducted to discover the variousperspectives of factors effecting brand loyalty,but there are no specialized studies conductedin Pakistan to analyze effect of factors effecting brand loyalty..Limited research examineddifferent aspects of brand loyalty.The aim of the present study is two-fold as it strived to findout the impact and to investigate to analyze effect of brand experience,brand awareness andbrand image on brand loyalty in context of Pepsi Lahore Pakistan.


2.1)Brand Loyalty

Yi and Jeon(2003)concluded that how reward able ideas of a program related to loyaltyeffect expected value of program also this value expectation of loyalty program affectsconsumer’s affiliation with a brand.A pre-test involving a total number of 40 students was toselect test products.Outcomes of this test demonstrate that interference debases theinfluences of loyalty programs on customer loyalty.Rewards which are direct are morepreferable than indirect rewards in high-involvement situations.However,in a situation withlow involvement instant rewards are highly effective in setting program’s value thanpostponed rewards.Mulling over that it can achieve brand loyalty through both direct and indirect courses.In the event that customer’s gets value from the steadfastness loyalty program,program loyalty may turn into a right objective of the loyalty program in the circumstance oflow contribution or involvement.

Gounaris and Statha kopoulus(2004)has thought about the terms among qualities orcharacteristics connected with the customers,for example,repugnance of danger and lookingfor of assortment,the notoriety of brand and accessibility of substitute items,the impacts ofsociety and associates'suggestion,four types of loyalty individually premium loyalty,informal correspondence,purchase elective brand,go to various store and purchase nothing.To decide the dependability of the said