

日期:2023年05月28日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:469
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202305231404195429 论文字数:35696 所属栏目:管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
terms a study of Greek shoppers was directed,prepared individuals took the meetings,in light of a survey,with the endeavor to expand thecredibility of the reactions.The sample had 850 purchasers of whisky who were discoveredhaphazardly in the road and shopping centers.The meetings were taken at various spots andon partitioned days.The study focused on whisky purchasers because of three vital reasons.To begin with,there is a noteworthy assortment of various whisky brands in Greek businesssector which gives different alternatives to the purchaser.Other than this,whisky ispurchased frequently by the grown-up Greek populace for the most part.The outcomes give ageneral stockpiling for the hypothesized linkages among the aforementioned variables.

2.2)Brand Awareness

Chi,Yeh and Yang(2009)concentrated on to investigate the effects among brand awareness,expected quality,brand loyalty and purchaser buy goal and mediating impact of expectedquality and brand loyalty in view of brand awareness and buy intentions.Samples wereassembled from mobile phone users living in Chiyi,and the study embraces relapseconsidering and mediating test to look at the theories.The study proposes that phoneproducers should assemble a brand and advance its brand image through deals advancement,publicizing,and other showcasing exercises.At the point when brand awareness is high,itsimage dependability will likewise raise.Purchasers will survey expected nature of an itemfrom their experience in view of their buys.Accordingly,brand loyalty and preference willraise thus will intentions of purchaser.

Malik et al.(2013)has found that the point of their try is to know the impact of brandawareness and loyalty of brand on purchasing goal and intents.Questionnaires wereassembled to know the reactions from the representatives in administrations areas andadvantageously accessible overall population while clear measurements and relapseinvestigation were used to know the information and reach out the inferences.BrandAwareness and brand loyalty have solid positive connection with purchasing intentions.


3.1Theoretical Model:..............10

3.2 Definition of Study Variables:Independent Variables:..............10


4.1 Research Design................20

4.2 Population.................20


5.1 descriptive statistics.....................30

5.2 correlation analysis...............30


5.1 descriptive statistics


By using the data collected this section will interpret the quantitative results in the form ofdescriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

Correlation coefficient is denoted by the symbol r,and shows the relationship between twovariables.It ranges from-1 which shows perfect strong negative relationship to+1 whichindicates perfect strong positive relationship.Correlation coefficient from 0 till 0.3 displays aweak relationship amongst variables,0.3 till 0.7 whereas displays moderate relationship and0.7 aboveexpresses a strong correlation among the variables.

The above shown correlation matrix displays the relationship between the dependent variable(brand loyalty)and independent variables(Brand Experience,Brand Awareness and BrandImage).

The value of Pearson correlation among Brand Loyalty and Brand Experience is0.728whichdisplays a strong positive correlation.Significance P-value is 0.000<α(0.05),sothere’s a significant relationship between brand loyalty and brand experience.


The fundamental thought process for doing the research was to analyze effect of independentvariables i.e.brand experience,brand awareness and brand image on brand loyalty dependentvariable.Before centering and talking about the outcomes a couple of essential resultsreceived by the study ought to be discussed in this section.

Primarily,quantitative information is utilized for the present study through the questionnaireswh