ich is an essential channel of information gathering.The reaction rate is permissible andrealizes steady information alongside reliable scale and items.With framework adopted forthe current study,results show a reconcilable result with least sign of biasness.The results ofthe study shows that the R2value for the regression is 0.741 which signifies that 74.1%ofvariance in dependent variable Brand Loyalty is due to the variation in all independentvariables which are brand experience,brand awareness and brand image.All the other resultsare individually discussed below.
The first variable of this study is brand experience with the Beta value of 0.228 and t-observed value is 7.269.The P-Value is 0.000<0.05 which shows that this variablesignificantly effects on brand loyalty of Pepsi consumers.So,the first alternative hypothesisis accepted.Study displays brand experience has significant effect on brand loyalty.Theseresults are supported by Brakus et al.,(2009).Brand experience makes also progresses trust-based relationship stage among brand and consumer.