一 离婚财产分割原因
(一) 男女平等原则
(二) 适当照顾子女和女方利益的原则
(三) 以有利于生活、方便生活为原则
(四) 权利不得滥用原则
(一) 离婚夫妻房屋分割问题
(二) 夫妻共有的企业产权分割问题
(三) 对投资性财产的分割
(四) 其他财产分割问题
(五) 军人离婚财产分割的规定
(六) 债务的清偿
Abstract:Along with socialist market economy development unceasingly thorough,People’s living standard is getting higher and higher,The home economics origin channel is getting more and more wide,The family wealth is also getting more and more abundant,People’s material level enhanced,People’s inner world was also getting more and more rich.According to China Women’s Federation’s statistics,our country has more than 40 ten thousand family disintegrations every year,the divorce case rises year by year.This paper studies several questions about the division of the divorce property of the husband and wife in practice.
Key words:divorces of the husbands and wives,property division
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